guretskiysemyon / k-coloringReduction
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This project is my final project for a degree in Computer Science and was done under the guidance of Dr. Yoni Zohar1. It is based on the method described in "Colors Make Theories Hard" by Roberto Sebastiani 2, specifically on proving NP-hardness in various theories like arithmetic and arrays through satisfiability problems. The article introduces reductions from the k-color graph problem to satisfiability problems for given theories, providing various algorithms for graph coloring challenges using these reductions. Our work implements these reductions using pysmt and cvc5, thus solving the k-colorability problem in this manner.

As part of the project, we have run tests on our tools and SageMath, and compared the results as described below.

You can also visit the web interface we created. Please note that it is suitable for small inputs; for larger graphs, it's better to use this code.

Implemented Reductions -- Theories and Solvers

msat : LIA, AUF, AINT, ABV, BV,
z3   : LIA, NLA, AUF, AINT, ABV, BV,
yices: LIA, BV, 
btor : BV, ABV, 

where: A stands for Array and S stands for Sets theory (e.g., ABV is array theory with BV to BV arrays).

Note: msat, z3, yices, and btor are implemented using the pysmt API, while cvc5 is implemented using its own library

Structure of Code

There are different types of Colorers, each representing a specific theory and creating constraints for vertices and colors (you can read more about this in the article). Therefore, there are two abstract classes: ColorerCVC5 and ColorerPySMT. Colorers that extend these classes implement reductions to specific theories (e.g., LIAColorer, BVColorer, etc.).

However, there is one abstract class GraphEnc with GraphEncCVC5 and GraphEncPySMT extending it. The difference between these is only in syntax since one works with the PySMT API and the other with the CVC5 API. Both receive a colorer as an argument and add edge constraints ($v{i}\ne v{j}$ if they are connected by an edge).

Additionally, there is a file that can create a pair of colorer and graph encoder for your convenience, but you do not need to use it. You can create them yourself. More details could be found in the code documentation.


On your device:

Since we use pysmt, you first need to install pysmt:

pip install pysmt

Then, you can install the necessary solvers:

pysmt-install --msat --z3 --btor --yices

After installation, you can check the setup:

pysmt-install --check

To install cvc5, run:

pip install cvc5

[Note] - You can learn more about these tools at the pysmt GitHub repository and cvc5 website.

If there are additional packages needed by installation, you should install them too.

We have used the networkx and pydot libraries to read files, which are also compatible with SageMath's input formats. To install these libraries, use the following command:

pip install networkx pydot

Using Docker Image

You can pull a Docker image with the following command and start a terminal session within it.

To pull the image, use:

docker pull semyonguretskiy/color-reduction:v1

Our benchmarks are already included in the Docker image, so you can simply run the following command:

docker run -it --name color-reduction semyonguretskiy/color-reduction:v1 bash

This will create a Docker container named color-reduction (you can change the name if you prefer).

If you want to add your own files, you can mount them by executing the following command:

docker run -it --name color-reduction -v <full-path-to-your-files>:/app/<destination-path-in-image> semyonguretskiy/color-reduction:v1 bash

This will create a Docker container named color-reduction with the files you included at the specified path.

Later, you can start the container using just its name:

docker start -ai color-reduction

Or use the alternative name you chose.


How to run

After installation, you can run the whole tool using:

python3 reduction <path-to-dot-file> <number-of-colors> <solver-name> <theory-name> \
[--t--<number-of-seconds>] [--no-model] [--no-formula]


By default, the code returns the formula and solution, and adds no timeout.

Output: The code returns a formula, solution, graph details, and timing performance. If there was a timeout, just "Timeout" will be printed. Examples are provided below.

Also, you can modify and use the Colorer and GraphEnc classes for your development purposes.


python3 reduction Benchmarks/ 3 z3 LIA --t-10

== Formula ==
((0 <= v_1) & (v_1 <= 2))
((0 <= v_2) & (v_2 <= 2))
((0 <= v_3) & (v_3 <= 2))
(! (v_1 = v_2))
(! (v_1 = v_3))
(! (v_2 = v_3))

== Output ==
1: 2
2: 1
3: 0
Result: Colorable

== Graph Details ==
Number of nodes: 3
Number of edges: 3

== Performance Timings ==
Read file time          : 0.130675 seconds
Reduction creation time : 0.00084 seconds
Solving time            : 0.010933 seconds
Total time              : 0.011773 seconds



We ran tests on the benchmarks located in the Benchmarks folder, which are sourced from the DIMACS COLOR02.30.04 challenge. COLOR02/03/04 was a series of activities aimed at promoting research on computational methods for graph coloring problems. You can find the files we used at this link: here. In some files, you will find a short description of the file.

You can view the original DIMACS format and the same graphs but translated to .dot format, in the Benchmarks/COLOR02.30.04 folder in a compressed way.

Additionally, there is a sorted_graph_data.csv file that includes all the files we used, sorted by the number of edges. This file also provides information on the number of vertices and edges for each graph.

Test Conditions

We used the NetworkX and PyDot libraries to read files in both test scenarios. The time taken to read each file was recorded and saved for each graph instance in both cases.


The SageMath tool takes a graph as an argument and finds the minimum k required for vertex coloring without a monochromatic edge. Our script processes all files in the benchmarks folder by performing the following steps for each graph instance:

  1. Read the file and convert it into a NetworkX format.
  2. Pass this format to the graph constructor in SageMath.
  3. Apply chromatic_number(G).

The results are saved in the res_sage.csv file in the following format:

File Name Read Time k Reduction Time Process Time Total Time 0.13314 4 0.00658 0.00936 0.01595


We set a timeout of 10 seconds for each graph input on 2,3 steps (i.e. without reading). If the tool cannot solve the instance within the allotted time, "T" appears in each column except File Name and Read Time.

File Name Read Time k Reduction Time Process Time Total Time 0.13314 T T T T

Our Tool

First, it's important to note that our reduction addresses a decision problem, and k is part of the input. In our experiment, we consider the input to be composed of the solver, theory, k, and a graph instance in .dot format. Due to input differences between SageMath and our tools, we attempt to solve for a range of k values. We define two distinct ranges:

  1. For the theories BV and all variations of Sets (SUF, SINT, SBV), the range of k values is [4, 8, 16, 32, 64]. We choose these ranges because these theories only work with k that is a power of 2.
  2. For all other theories, we select the k values range to be all integers from 3 to 20.

For each pair (solver, theory), we run a script that saves results in res_{solver}_{theory}.csv. Our script processes all files in the benchmarks folder with the following steps for each graph instance:

  1. Read the file and convert it into a NetworkX format.
  2. For each k in the range:
    1. Create a reduction for the given (solver, theory, and graph).
    2. Apply the solve() function.

The results are saved in the res_{solver}_{theory}.csv file in the following format:

File Name Read Time 3 Reduction Time 3 Process Time 3 Total Time 3 4 Reduction Time 4 ... Total Time 20 0.13314 False 0.00658 0.00936 0.01595 False 0.00758 ... 0.01885


For each graph input and k, we set a timeout for steps 2.1 and 2.2 (excluding reading time). If the tool cannot solve the (graph input, k) within the allotted time, "T" appears in the columns for k, Reduction Time k, Process Time k, and Total Time k.

Out tool

First of all, note that out reduction solves a decision problem and k is a part of a input. Therefore, in our experiment we consider input to be solver, theory, k and graph instance in .dot format. Since there is difference in input between sageMath and our tools, we are trying to solve it for range of k-values. There are two different ranges:

  1. For theories BV, all variations of Sets (SUF, SINT, SBV) range of k values is [4,8,16,32,64]. We choose this ranges since those theories works only with k that is power of 2.
  2. For all other theories we choose the k values range to be all numbers from 3 to 20.

Foreach pair (solver, theory) we run script that will save results in res_{solver}_{theory}.csv file. Our script processes all files in the benchmarks folder by performing the following steps for each graph instance:

  1. Read the file and convert it into a NetworkX format.
  2. For all k in range
    1. Create a reduction for given (solver, theory) and graph.
    2. Apply solve() function.
The results are saved in the res_{solver}_{theory}.csv file in the following format: File Name Read Time 3 reduction_time_3 process_time_3 total_time_3 4 reduction_time_4 ... total_time_20 0.13314 False 0.00658 0.00936 0.01595 False 0.00758 ... 0.01595


Given a graph input and k, we set timeout on 2.1, 2.2 steps (i.e. without reading.) If the tool cannot solve the (graph input, k) within the allotted time, "T" appears in k, reduction_time_k, process_time_k and total_time_k column.

Results files

You TestsResults folder can find the results_csv compressed file with all results that we got, divided into cvc5 and pysmt sections and ordered by theory. Additionally, the 10United folder contains all files consolidated in one place. We also saved all graphs as images that we used in this readme in TestRsults/GraphImages folder.


First Perspective

We create graphs where the x-axis varies with k (number of colors) and the y-axis represents the number of inputs that each solver-theory pair solved within a given timeout.

Firstly, We show a theory comparison for the cvc5 solver:

Next, we do the same for msat and z3:

In each of the graphs, a pointed line represents SageMath's results. In our tests, SageMath solved 16 inputs within the given time of 10 seconds per instance. It's important to note that this tool finds the minimal k, so we represent its running time as constant across all k values. Therefore, you can see a constant line on the graphs at $y=16$.

From the graphs, note that in z3, all theories solved more inputs than SageMath. In cvc5, all theories except one outperformed SageMath, and in msat, part of the theories did so. We allow ourselves to make this comparison since there is a possibility to run all k's from 3 to 20 in parallel and solve the graph instances in this way. However, it's important to note that this is not a scalable solution (i.e., we cannot do this for large k).

In the end, we compile all graphs into one image. Although this graph is overloaded with information, it is clear that most solver-theory pairs performed better that baseline tool sageMath. (i.e. solver more instances in given time per instance). The source image is available in the files (path - TestResults/GraphImages) , you can zoom in for higher resolution.

Since we tested BV and Sets only on k values that are powers of two in the range (1,64), and other theories do not have results for k values greater than 20, for better visualization we divided it into two different graphs. The results for BV and Sets are presented below in the same format. We can observe a similar result here as well; the number of solved instances for some k is greater than the number solved by SageMath.

Second Perspective

In the table below, each row corresponds to a specific theory. This enables comparison of the results of different solvers. In this context, the number of inputs is the product of the number of files and the number of k's. For BV and sets, it is $185 \cdot 5 = 925$ and for other cases, it is $185\cdot 18=3330$.

For BV and sets: Theory name cvc msat z3 btor
BV 549 561 504 540
SBV 78 - - -
SINT 76 - - -
SUF 78 - - -

where "-" indicates that the theory is not implemented by the solver.

And for other theories: Theory name cvc msat z3 yices btor
ABV 639 789 1006 - 1267
AINT 533 473 1278 - -
AUF 722 1123 1339 - -
LIA 703 1067 962 1328 -
NIA 27 - 1145 - -

From the first table, observe that the results for BV are relatively consistent across the solvers, while the results for Sets are significantly lower, with the best result accounting for about half of all inputs.

In the second table, z3 generally outperforms cvc5 and msat, with the best result covering about a third of all inputs.

Third Perspective

In the following graphs, the x-axis corresponds to the range of k's and the y-axis represents the number of inputs solved. However, in this section, each line represents a theory. A theory is considered to solve an input within a given time if at least one solver can solve this input it using this theory. We aggregate the results for clarity. Again, this approach proves to be useful as it is possible to run multiple solvers in parallel.

In this case, we can see that all theories perform better than the SageMath tool, but it is difficult to discern the relationship between them.

For BV and Sets

Here, only BV performs better than SageMath, while Sets achieve almost the same results as SageMath.

Fourth Perspective

In this section, we define that a pair (solver, theory) successfully solves an input if for some k the result is False, but for k+1 it is True. We utilize the advantage of the ability to run all tests (from k=3 to k=20) simultaneously. If a (solver, theory) pair solves an input, we calculate the time by taking the maximum of the times to decide k and k+1.

The following table displays these results:

File name k Sage Result cvc-ABV cvc-AINT cvc-AUF cvc-LIA msat-ABV msat-AINT msat-AUF msat-LIA z3-ABV z3-AINT z3-AUF z3-LIA z3-NIA yices-LIA btor-ABV 4 0.01596 0.01758 0.12347 0.01587 0.0265 0.05747 0.04411 0.0371 0.20305 0.05381 0.04988 0.0488 0.35391 1.57844 0.22048 0.10181 5 0.14637 3.53037 x 4.06482 9.14237 0.13385 0.16975 0.08435 0.7886 0.08718 0.12075 0.0832 0.72028 5.13743 7.372 0.04326 4 0.40619 5.11704 x 4.92877 1.42027 0.23049 0.1561 0.07013 0.09832 0.17066 0.09575 0.07586 0.11299 3.46678 4.13224 0.05006 5 0.0068 0.11236 x 0.08096 0.17269 0.39489 0.14027 0.06579 0.04702 0.16375 0.05696 0.06098 0.05771 3.34632 0.06648 0.05276 5 0.00645 0.11181 x 0.08125 0.17258 0.41481 0.15542 0.08146 0.0471 0.18188 0.07298 0.07744 0.05749 3.34464 0.06703 0.05259 4 0.00679 0.05827 0.77024 0.05726 0.07582 0.13502 0.11414 0.06529 0.04497 0.06169 0.0577 0.05759 0.0664 2.34407 0.0406 0.03417 5 0.0081 0.11755 5.89396 0.16103 0.29072 0.42851 0.15909 0.07526 0.07494 0.08934 0.06414 0.06526 0.08778 3.438 0.06827 0.08006 10 0.02242 x x x x x x 2.038 x 7.03539 0.66042 0.53975 x x x 1.04872 5 6.2531 x x x x 5.0504 2.13759 0.34834 1.351 1.56639 0.188 0.21579 0.55471 3.90635 x 0.23163 11 0.02954 x x x x x x x x x 5.1867 3.4922 x x x 2.2456 8 0.02787 x x x x 7.54487 x 1.07705 4.60329 1.22082 0.32859 0.31108 3.08174 x x 0.33705 11 0.04628 x x x x x x x x x 7.4241 4.74902 x x x 1.77252 7 2.61606 x x x x x 3.23592 0.54408 x x 1.3367 6.48746 x x x 1.73852 11 0.06383 x x x x x x x x x x 7.10551 x x x 2.88424 9 0.06823 4.62348 x x x x x 1.3028 x x 0.5278 0.59516 x x x 0.95879 12 2.6014 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

where 'x' denotes that the (solver, theory) pair did not solve the input.

Here is a more compact table to show who provided the best result for each file:

File name Best Normalizesd Difference to second cvc-AUF 0.00567 btor-ABV 2.3835 btor-ABV 7.11406 sageMath 5.91471 sageMath 6.30233 sageMath 4.0324 sageMath 6.91852 sageMath 23.07449 z3-AINT 32.26117 sageMath 75.01896 sageMath 10.16182 sageMath 37.29991 msat-AUF 3.80823 sageMath 44.18628 sageMath 6.7356 sageMath -

For inputs that SageMath successfully solves, it often provides better results than our tool. In only 5 out of 16 inputs did our tool perform better. The last column calculates the normalized difference in the following way:

The difference between these results is significant, varying from 2 to 75 times the performance of the competing solvers.

Fifth Perspective

Once again, we evaluate whether a (solver, theory) pair can solve an input using the criteria from the previous case—where k is False and k+1 is True. However, this time we proceed through all files and compare the results excluding those from SageMath.

For each of the 185 files, we determined which (solver, theory) combination yields the best result in terms of time. Afterward, we sorted the (solver, theory) pairs by the frequency with which they achieved the best score. For example, in our analysis, btor using the Array with BV (ABV) theory was found to be the best 15 times across all cases.

The table below summarizes the frequencies with which each solver-theory pair provided the best results:

Solver name Number of Solved
btor-ABV 15
z3-AUF 6
z3-AINT 5
msat-LIA 2
msat-AUF 2
cvc-AUF 1
z3-NIA 1

Note that btor with Arrays with BV (ABV) is the leading pair. Following far behind in second place is z3 with Array with Uninterpreted Functions (AUF). Also, it is noteworthy that a total of 32 inputs were solved, which is twice the number solved by SageMath.

[!Note] In the last two cases, we did not use BV and Sets since the step in k is large, and the same definition of "solved" can not be applied.


In conclusion, we presented an implementation of theoretical work from a referenced article. We ran tests on our implementation and the baseline tool SageMath, and compared the results. A challenging part was balancing between the decision problem (our approach) and the search problem (SageMath's approach), and its effect on result analysis.

Main results:

Future work:

Our current implementation is direct and does not utilize any heuristics. Therefore, future work can explore the use of heuristics to improve formula generation and solver performance. Adding some additional constraints to the formula that will help the solver decide faster could be beneficial.

Strategies that can choose the best solver for a specific formula can be developed as well. Also, it can investigate methods to convert the decision problem into a search problem, looking for a minimal k. Since there are many tools that can return an approximate value for k, it can be helpful to consider how our tool can be used in this way.

Additionally, we compared our tool only with SageMath, and other tools can be tested as well.

In conclusion, while our approach shows promise in certain scenarios, there is significant room for improvement and further research. The project provides a solid foundation for exploring SMT-based graph coloring techniques and opens up several avenues for future investigation in this domain.