gurgeous / httpdisk

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httpdisk is an aggressive disk cache built on top of Faraday. It's primarily used for crawling, and will aggressively cache all requests including POSTs and transient errors.


# install gem
$ gem install httpdisk

# or add to your Gemfile
gem 'httpdisk'

Quick Start

require 'httpdisk'

# create a new Faraday client
faraday = do
  _1.use :httpdisk

response = faraday.get('') # read from network
response = faraday.get('') # read from ~/httpdisk/

httpdisk includes a handy command that works like curl:

# cache miss, read from network
$ httpdisk

# cache hit, read from ~/httpdisk/
$ httpdisk

# supports many curl flags
$ httpdisk -A test-agent --proxy localhost:8080 --output tmp.html

Faraday & httpdisk

Faraday is a popular Ruby HTTP client. Faraday uses a stack of middleware to process each request, similar to the way Rack works deep inside Rails or Sinatra. httpdisk is Faraday middleware - it processes requests to look for cached responses on disk. Faraday's usage page is a good place to learn more about Faraday.

The simplest possible setup for httpdisk looks like this:

faraday = do
  _1.use :httpdisk

For serious crawling, you probably want a more robust middleware stack:

faraday = do
  _1.options.timeout = 10 # lower the timeout
  _1.use :cookie_jar # cookie support
  _1.request :url_encoded # auto-encode form bodies
  _1.response :json # auto-decode JSON responses
  _1.response :follow_redirects # follow redirects (should be above httpdisk)
  _1.use :httpdisk
  _1.request :retry # retry failed responses (should be below httpdisk)

You may want to experiment with the options for :retry, to retry a broader set of transient errors. See examples.rb for more ideas.

Disk Cache

httpdisk calculates a canonical cache key for each request. The key consists of the http method, url, sorted query, and sorted body if possible. We use md5(key) as the path for each file in the cache. Try httpdisk --status to see it in action:

$ httpdisk --status ""
url: ""
status: "miss"
key: "GET"
digest: "0e37f96800a55958fa6029283c78f672"
path: "httpdisk/"

EVERY response will be cached on disk, including POSTs. By default, the cache will be placed at ~/httpdisk and cached responses never expire. Some examples:

faraday.get("", nil, { "User-Agent": "test-agent" })
faraday.get("", { "q": "ruby" })"", "name=hello")

This will populate the cache:

$ cd ~/httpdisk
$ find . -type f

$ gzcat
date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 18:40:01 GMT
expires: -1
cache-control: private, max-age=0

Aggressive Caching

httpdisk caches all responses. POST responses are cached, along with 500 responses and other HTTP errors. HTTP response headers that typically control caching are completely ignored. We also cache many exceptions like connection refused, timeout, ssl error, etc. These are returned as responses with HTTP status code 999.

In general, if you make a request it will be cached regardless of the outcome.

String Encoding

httpdisk will honor the Content-Type from responses. Unfortunately, it is entirely possible to get invalid bodies if the Content-Type doesn't match the bytes. This is a major bummer, so httpdisk provides a utf8: option that forces text response bodies to UTF-8.


httpdisk supports a few options:

Pass these in when setting up Faraday:

faraday = do
  _1.use :httpdisk, expires: 7*24*60*60, force: true

Command Line

The httpdisk command works like curl and supports some of curl's popular flags. Exit code 1 indicates an HTTP response code >= 400 or a failed request.

$ httpdisk --help
httpdisk [options] [url]
Similar to curl:
    -d, --data        HTTP POST data
    -H, --header      pass custom header(s) to server
    -i, --include     include response headers in the output
    -m, --max-time    maximum time allowed for the transfer
    -o, --output      write to file instead of stdout
    -x, --proxy       use host[:port] as proxy
    -X, --request     HTTP method to use
    --retry           retry request if problems occur
    -s, --silent      silent mode (don't print errors)
    -A, --user-agent  send User-Agent to server
Specific to httpdisk:
    --dir             httpdisk cache directory (defaults to ~/httpdisk)
    --expires         when to expire cached requests (ex: 1h, 2d, 3w)
    --force           don't read anything from cache (but still write)
    --force-errors    don't read errors from cache (but still write)
    --status          show status for a url in the cache

Goodies: httpdisk-grep

The httpdisk-grep command makes it easy to search your cache directory. It can be challenging to use grep/ripgrep because cache files are compressed and JSON bodies often lack newlines. httpdisk-grep is the right tool for the job. See httpdisk-grep --help.

An alternative is to use ripgrep-all with the --rga-accurate flag. Ripgrep-all works well for large caches, though it lacks some of the niceties of httpdisk-grep.

Limitations & Gotchas






0.2 - May 2020

0.1 - April 2020