gustavoaca1997 / Caribay

A PEG Parser Generator with Semi-Automatic Error Recovery based on LPeg(Label)
MIT License
19 stars 0 forks source link
gsoc-2020 hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2021 parser-generator


A PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) Parser Generator built with LPeg(Label). The generated parser captures a generic AST (Abstract Syntactic Tree).

Caribay makes easier to parse lexical symbols, comments, identifiers and keywords.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Syntax and examples
  4. Error Labels
    1. Manually inserted labels
    2. Automatically inserted labels
    3. Recovery Rules


You can install Caribay using Luarocks:

luarocks install caribay


You need to require the module src.generator:

local generator = require"caribay.generator"

then you call the gen function passing a PEG as argument to generate an LPegLabel parser:

local src = [[
    assign <- ID '=' number
    fragment number <- FLOAT / INT
    INT <- %d+
    FLOAT <- %d+ '.' %d+
local match = generator.gen(src)
match[[     a_2     =   3.1416 ]]

Syntax and examples

_You should first get familiar about PEGs here._

Lexical and Syntactic symbols

Caribay differentiates lexical symbols from syntactic symbols as _UPPERCASE symbols and _snakecase symbols, respectively. The difference is that lexical symbols capture all (and only) the pattern they match as a new AST node, while a syntactic symbol captures a new AST node but with an array with all the children nodes. See next examples to better understand.

Character classes

Caribay supports character classes supported by the re(label) module. To match a string of alphanumeric characters you write something like this:

ALPHA_NUM <- [0-9a-zA-Z]+

And to capture each alphanumeric character, you use a syntactic symbol:

alpha_num <- [0-9a-zA-Z]+

The first parser captures the following AST when matching 8aBC3:

{ tag = 'ALPHA_NUM', pos = 1, '8aBC3' }

The second parser captures the following AST matching same input:

{ tag = 'alpha_num', pos = 1, '8', 'a', 'B', 'C', '3' }

Predefined rules

Caribay serves some useful predefined rules, which are overwritten if the user defines them:


It is used to skip a pattern between lexical symbols. By default it is defined as follows:

SKIP <- (' ' / '\t' / '\n' / '\f' / '\r')*

If the user defines a COMMENT rule, SKIP is defined as follows:

SKIP <- (' ' / '\t' / '\n' / '\f' / '\r' / COMMENT)*

Note: Actually, instead of ' ' / '\t' / '\n' / '\f' / '\r', it uses, which uses C isspace.


The ID rule is defined by default by this PEG:

ID          <- ID_START ID_END?
ID_START    <- [a-zA-Z]
ID_END      <- [a-zA-Z0-9_]+

User can define their own ID_START and ID_END rules.


Regular literals

To match a single literal the user writes the following grammar:

s <- 'this is a literal'

Captured literals

To also capture the literal in a syntactic rule, the user writes it with double quotes:

s <- "a"

The AST captured when matching a is:

{ tag = 's', 'a' }

The user could also use a lexical symbol:

S <- 'a'


S <- "a"

With lexical symbols doesn't matter if the user uses single or double quotes.


Keywords, which are surrounded by backsticks, are a special type of literals: Caribay captures them (when used on syntactic rules) and wraps them around code that ensures they are not confused with identifiers. Basically when matching a keyword kw, Caribay in reality matches:


and when matching an identifier, Caribay checks that it is not a keyword defined in the grammar. Here goes an example:

s <- (print / assign)+
assign <- ID '=' INT
INT <- %d+
print <- `print` ID

Caribay considers the first rule as the starting rule. The parser generated captures the following AST when matching x = 10 print x printx = 20 print printx:

    tag = 's',
        tag = 'assign',
        { tag = 'ID', 'x' },
        { tag = 'INT', '10' },
        tag = 'print',
        { tag = 'token', 'print' },
        { tag = 'ID', 'x' },
        tag = 'assign',
        { tag = 'ID', 'printx' },
        { tag = 'INT', '20' },
        tag = 'print',
        { tag = 'token', 'print' },
        { tag = 'ID', 'printx' },

PS: I'll ignore sometimes the position field in this document for making easier writing the examples.

User could also annotate a lexical rule as a keyword for appending a !ID_END at the end, but currently the second feature, ensuring none keyword is matched as identifier, is not supported for these rules. Here goes an example:

s <- (init / idx)+
init <- VECTOR ID
idx <- ID '.' INT

keyword VECTOR <- 'vector' [1-9]
INT <- %d+

SKIP <- (' ' / '\n' / ';')*

When matching this input:

                vector3 vector3D

the following AST is returned:

    tag = 's', pos = 17,
        tag = 'init', pos = 17,
        { tag = 'VECTOR', pos = 17, 'vector3' },
        { tag = 'ID', pos = 25, 'vector3D' },
        tag = 'idx', pos = 71,
        { tag = 'ID', pos = 71, 'vector3D' },
        { tag = 'INT', pos = 80, '2' },

Skippable nodes

Sometimes the user would like to define some rules for ensuring associativity or precedence between operators but that could result in very linear and tedious ASTs. The user could use skippable nodes using <~ instead of <- for capturing just the child node instead of creating a new parent node, if there is only one child node. Otherwise,a new parent node is captured as always. Here goes an example:

exp         <-  conj (`or` conj)*
conj        <~  comp (`and` comp)*
comp        <~  conc (COMP_OP conc)*
conc        <~  arit ('..' arit)*
arit        <~  term (TERM_OP term)*
term        <~  factor (FACTOR_OP factor)*
factor      <~  unary ('^' unary)*
unary       <~  UNARY_OP* atom_exp

That way, when matching 4, the AST captured is:

    tag = 'exp',
    { tag = 'NUMBER', '10' },

but when matching 4 + x/2 it is:

    tag = 'exp',
        tag = 'arit',
        { tag = 'NUMBER', '4' },
        { tag = 'TERM_OP', '+' },
            tag = 'term',
            { tag = 'ID', 'x' },
            { tag = 'FACTOR_OP', '/' },
            { tag = 'NUMBER', '2' }


Sometime the user would like to create rules just for improving the readability, hence the user would not like them to return new parent nodes. Rules annotated as fragment are a good fit for that. Here goes an example:

assign <- ID '=' number
fragment number <- FLOAT / INT
INT <- %d+
FLOAT <- %d+ '.' %d+

When matching x = 255, the AST is like this:

    tag = 'assign', 
    { tag = 'ID', 'x' }, 
    { tag = 'INT', '255' } 

and when matching a_2 = 3.141516, it is like this:

    tag = 'assign',
    { tag = 'ID', 'a_2' },
    { tag = 'FLOAT', '3.1416' },

Semantic actions

Sometimes the user would like to perform some code after matching a pattern. For that, the user can provide a table of functions as a second argument to the generator.gen function. Then, in the grammar, the user can call a function like this:

a_rule <- { a_pattern , a_function }

The given function gets as arguments the entire subject, the current position (after the match of a_pattern), plus any capture values produced by a_pattern. The symbol a_rule could be syntactic or lexical.

The first value returned by a_function defines how the match happens. If the call returns a number, the match succeeds and the returned number becomes the new current position. (Assuming a subject s and current position i, the returned number must be in the range [i, len(s) + 1].) If the call returns true, the match succeeds without consuming any input. (So, to return true is equivalent to return i.) If the call returns false, nil, or no value, the match fails.

Any extra values returned by the function become the values produced by the capture (which is only useful in syntactic rules).

Named groups

The user can group all values returned by a pattern into a single named capture which can be returned in other places in the grammar. To name a group the user writes something like this:

a_rule <- { a_pattern : a_name }

Again, a_rule could be lexical or syntactic. After doing this, considering a_rule as a syntactic rule, the captures of a_pattern won't be in the array of a_rule. If the user wants to return those captures, now grouped or labeled as a_name, they can use the operator = for back captures like this:

s <- { "="* : equals} =equals

Keep in mind that =equals could be used anywhere in the grammar, returning the captures of the most recent group capture named equals.

Most recent means the last complete outermost group capture with the given name. A complete capture means that the entire pattern corresponding to the capture has matched. An outermost capture means that the capture is not inside another complete capture.

A good example that uses semantic actions, named groups and back captures is the grammar for Lua long strings:

LONG_STR    <-  { OPEN_STR : init_eq } '\n'? (!CLOSE_EQ .)* CLOSE_STR
EQUALS      <-  '='*
OPEN_STR    <-  '[' EQUALS '['
CLOSE_STR   <-  ']' EQUALS ']'
CLOSE_EQ    <-  { CLOSE_STR =init_eq , check_eq }

where close_eq is defined as follows:

function(subject, pos, closing, opening)
    return #closing[1] == #opening[1]


See this section

Error Labels

The result of an unsuccessful matching is a triple nil, lab, errpos, where lab is the label associated with the failure, and errpos is the input position being matched when lab was thrown.

Manually inserted labels

Use ^ operator.

numbers <- ((INT / HEX / FLOAT)^ErrNumber)+

Automatically inserted labels

The generator will try to automatically create some error labels. In order to identify the safe places where Caribay can insert labels, the concept of unique lexical non-terminals is used: a lexical non-terminal A is unique when it appears in the right-hand side of only one syntactical rule, and just once.

An automatically inserted label will be named after its rule and the symbol annotated. See some examples of labels:

The label EOF is automatically generated for the cases where it is not possible to match the whole input. The label fail is thrown when Caribay was not able to generate an error label for that specific case (some optimizations are in the ToDo list of this project).

The user can pass true as a third argument to generator.gen for enabling the Unique Context Optimization or UCO for incrementing the number of automatically inserted labels using more AST traversals. The reasoning behind this optimization is the following:

If the lexical non-terminal A is used more than once in grammar G but the set S of tokens that may occur immediately before an usage of A is unique, i.e., ∀s ∈ S we have that s may not occur immediately before the other usages of A, then we can mark this instance of A preceded by S as unique.


Example 1
s <- (print / assign)+
assign <- ID '=' INT
INT <- %d+
print <- `print` ID

The labels automatically inserted without UCO are assign_INT and print_ID, while assign_= is also inserted when using UCO.

match('x 10') will throw assign_= when using UCO.

match('x = print 2') will throw assign_INT at position 5.

match('print 2') will throw print_ID at position 7.

match('= x = 10') will throw fail at position 1.

Example 2
s <- 'a' 'c' / 'c' 'd'

Without UCO, only the label s_c is generated, while using UCO the label s_d is also generated.

match('a d') will throw s_c at position 2.

match('c') will throw s_d at position 2 when using UCO.

Example 3
s <- (init / idx)+
init <- VECTOR ID
idx <- ID '.' INT

keyword VECTOR <- 'vector' [1-9]
INT <- %d+

SKIP <- (' ' / '\n' / ';')*

The labels generated without UCO are idx_INT and init_ID, while using UCO the label idx_. is also generated.

match('vector3D 2) will throw fail without UCO or idx_. using UCO, at position 10.

match('vector3 vector3D ;;.; vector3D.2') will throw EOF at position 20.

match('vector1 3dvector') will throw init_ID at position 9.

Recovery Rules

generator.gen receives a fourth parameter called create_recovery_rule. If its value is nil or false, none recovery rule is created; if its value is true, the recovery rule consists of skipping tokens until the parser finds a token that can follow the pattern, this is also called the panic technique; otherwise, the function passed is used.

The function create_recovery_rule receives three arguments:

This functions is in charge of the logic for creating recovery rules when automatically adding a label.

You can use this implementation of the panic technique as an example:

local function panic_technique(generator, label, flw)    
    local recovery_sym_str = Symbol:new(label, 'syn_sym')

    -- Transform set into a LPeg Ordered Choice
    local flw_ord_choice
    for token_key in pairs(flw) do
        if token_key ~= '__$' then
            local ast_token = annotator.key_to_token(token_key, tag)
            local pattern = generator:to_lpeg(ast_token, recovery_sym_str)
            if flw_ord_choice then
                flw_ord_choice = flw_ord_choice + pattern
                flw_ord_choice = pattern

    -- Eat Token
    local eat_token = lp.P(1)

    -- Create recovery rule: R[l] <- (!flw eatToken)*
    return (-flw_ord_choice * eat_token)^0

TODO: explained what the user should know for implementing its own create_recovery_rule function.

When calling match function, the user can pass a table as second argument which maps error labels to error messages. generator.gen returns the array of generated labels as a second returned value for helping to create this table. The returned value by match will be false and a table of errors that are similar to this one:

    line = 2,
    col = 25,
    msg = "Missing '=' in assignment",

If no table is passed as second argument or no corresponding message is found, the msg field will be just the label.

Example 4

In this example we are going to generate recovery rules by using the panic technique.

Here is the grammar we are going to use, which is very similar to the one from Example 1:

s <- (print / assign)+
assign <- ID '=' (INT / ID)
INT <- %d+
FLOAT <- %d+ '.' %d+
print <- `print` ID

Now we are going to generate our parser.

local match, labs_arr = generator.gen(src, nil, true, true)

labs_arr looks like this:

{'assign_=', 'assign_ord_exp', 'print_ID'}

Let's now define our table of error messages:

local terror = {
    ['assign_='] = "Missing '=' in assignment",
    ['assign_ord_exp'] = "RValue expected",
    ['print_ID'] = "Valid identifier expected",
    fail = 'Parsing failed',

This string is going to be our input:

input = [[
    x = 10
    y   11
    z =
    print 2

Then, match(input, terror) is going to return false and the following table:

        line = 2,
        col = 25,
        msg = "Missing '=' in assignment",
        line = 4,
        col = 21,
        msg = "RValue expected",
        line = 4,
        col = 27,
        msg = "Valid identifier expected",

About the name

The parser generator is called Caribay, the daughter of Zuhé (the Sun) and Chía (the Moon) from a legend of the Mirripuyes (an indigenous group from Mérida, Venezuela). Since Lua means "Moon" in Portuguese, the tool being the daughter of Lua sounded nice to me. Also, the legend involves the origin of five famous peaks from Mérida, so the name is related to "generating" things.

This project is part of the Google Summer of Code 2020. I am writing some posts about my journey building it.