gutechsoc /

The official website for the GU Tech Society. Hosted at
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The official website for the GU Tech Society. Hosted at

WEBP Image Conversion

The WEBP image conversion has two parts it simultaneously converts any png, jpg, or jpeg to a webp while retaining the original file in the /images/.original-files folder. Secondly, it searches every html, css, js, and json file and replaces any png, jpeg, or jpg file references with its webp counterpart.

This is done as a GitHub action and should be transparent to you. You do not need to do anything to trigger this, it runs automatically on every push.

Editing The Site

We advise you to use an editor that:

Adding Events

See events/

Adding Sponsors

See sponsors/

Embedding Videos

Embedding videos would be done by manually editing index.html. Styling for embedded videos is handled using the .video-embed class with an <iframe> inside. Bellow is an example:

<div class="centre disable">
    <div `class="video-embed">

Notice the .disbale tag on the outer div; this just sets the display value to none, effectively toggling the element.

About Us

Who Are We

Search the index.html for the phrase whoarewesection. A few lines below you will find a comment saying "Edit here", place or edit the content underneath the comment.

What Events Do We Host

Search the index.html for the phrase whateventdowehostsection. A few lines below you will find a comment saying "Edit here", place or edit the content underneath the comment.

Board Members

Search the index.html for the phrase [boardmembers].

Editing board members required editing the different members elements. bellow is an example:

<div class="board-members">
  <!--edit here-->
  <div class="member">
      <div class="mugshot" onclick="expandmember(this)">
          <img src="" alt="your mug here">
      <div class="info">
          <p class="role">general assistant</p>
          <p class="name"> john smith</p>
          <a class="linked-in" href="">linkedin</a>

to change the:

Sponsor Us

General content

Search the index.html file for the phrase sponsoruscontentsection. Edit below the comment.

Email Link

Below the General Content div, there is another div that contains the email link.

Sponsors Marquee

See sponsors/

Join Us


Search index.html for the phrase join-us-content, edit the content of the child section below this


Search index.html for the phrase join-us-links, the SRC and Discord links are below this