guyleonard / orthagogue

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                       R E A D M E  

Installation depends on the type you downloaded. E.g. unpacking the folders for the types .tar.gz file is: orthAgogue-.Linux.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Different releases are found at:

Dependencies of the code is: "intel tbb" and "cmph" found in the Linux repository. (Other dependencies also exists, but given an ordinary installation of your Linux distribution, they are already pre-installed. To see the complete list of dependencies either type "ldd ortAgogue" or use the "dpkg -s <name of the orthAgogue release you downloaded>" command.)

Documentation of the code is located at:

Usage of the code is presented when the software is run without any params: ./orthAgogue (or "orthAgogue" directly if installed using the root).

If the developement version were used in the installation, specific updates using the cmake configuration tools is easy. Examples is given in the "install.bash" script, i.e. given that the developmental installation (and not the release) were downloaded.

Questions to be forwarded to Ole Kristian Ekseth: