guypursey / test-coverage-visualisation

This is proof-of-concept visualisation for test coverage as a metric for unit-tested projects.
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Test coverage visualisation

This repository represents code written as a quick proof-of-concept for visualising test coverage across multiple projects.

You can see the aforementioned documentation of the project, plus a brief "developer diary" within the GitHub repository's docs folder.

Local usage

If downloading as a local repo, viewing the HTML file directly can be problematic unless you enable CORS (cross-origin resource sharing). This is because the data is pulled in from files in the directory beginning with data_ and if you view the HTML file directly without CORS enabled, the browser is prevented from getting the data file even though it's in the same folder.

To get around this, I've specified http-server as a devDependency.

You can use either npm start or http-server to start up a simple local server and then go its address (e.g., localhost:8080) in your browser directly to see the file.

Local development

If developing this visualisation for yourself, you should know that the Node packages are included as dependencies in package.json.

You can use npm install as usual to get these.

Amend index.html and main.js to make changes.

Because the visualisation was developed with the browser and specifically Blocks in mind for the purposes of demonstration of the proof of concept, each time you update main.js you will need to run

browserify main.js > bundle.js

This simple process updates the bundle.js file that pulls together the main code and any package dependencies for the browser.