guysoft / MagicMirrorOS

MagicMirrorOS out-of-the-box distro
GNU General Public License v3.0
230 stars 26 forks source link


An out of the box Raspberry Pi <> Raspbian distro that lets you run MagicMirror <> to make an interactive mirror.

Where to get it?

Download directly from here <>_

Variants for arm 32-bit (armhf in image name) and arm 64-bit (arm64 in image name) are available.

How to use it?

. Use the Raspberry Pi Imager <>_ to install the zipped image to an SD card

. Use the customization settings of the Raspberry Pi Imager for WiFi, hostname and user settings

. Boot the Pi from the SD card

. With the first start the docker images are pulled which takes some time, you can follow this process by executing journalctl --user -f

. You can change the settings of the MagicMirror in the files located at /opt/mm/mounts/


Under the hood MagicMirrorOS uses this docker setup <>_.

You find the docker setup at /opt/mm/ on your raspberrypi. For more information about this setup, how you can start/stop the docker container, how to see the logs , ..., please refer to the documentation provided there.





#. Docker or Vagrant, docker recommended
#. Docker Compose Plugin - recommended if using docker build method, instructions assume you have it
#. Downloaded `Raspbian Lite <>`_ image.
#. Root privileges for chroot
#. Bash
#. sudo (the script itself calls it, running as root without sudo won't work)

Build MagicMirrorOS

MagicMirrorOS can be built using docker running either on an intel or RaspberryPi (supported ones listed). Build requires about 4.5 GB of free space available.

MagicMirrorOS supports building variants, this setup contains 2 variants for the 2 architectures, armhf and arm64.

You can build it assuming you already have docker and the docker compose plugin installed issuing the following commands::

git clone
cd MagicMirrorOS/src/image
wget -c --trust-server-names '${variant}_latest'
cd ..
sudo docker compose up -d
sudo docker exec -it magicmirroros-build build $variant

Building Using Vagrant

There is a vagrant machine configuration to let build MagicMirrorOS in case your build environment behaves differently. Unless you do extra configuration, vagrant must run as root to have nfs folder sync working.

To use it::

    sudo apt-get install vagrant nfs-kernel-server
    sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-nfs_guest
    sudo modprobe nfs
    cd MagicMirrorOS/src/vagrant
    sudo vagrant up

After provisioning the machine, its also possible to run a nightly build which updates from devel using::

    cd MagicMirrorOS/src/vagrant [Variant]


. If needed, override existing config settings by creating a new file src/config.local. You can override all settings found in src/config. If you need to override the path to the Raspbian image to use for building MagicMirrorOS, override the path to be used in ZIP_IMG. By default, the most recent file matching * found in src/image will be used.

. Run src/build_dist as root.

. The final image will be created in src/workspace


#. If you need to rotate the output

   #. edit the file ``/opt/mm/run/.env`` and add e.g the following line ``XRANDR_PARAMS="--output HDMI-1 --rotate left --scale 1.9"`` where 'left' rotates 90 degrees counter clockwise, 'right' rotates 90 degrees clockwise, and 'inverted' rotates 180 degrees, if the scaling is not correct you can use the ``--scale`` parameter.
   #. Restart the docker container by executing ``docker compose up`` in directory ``/opt/mm/run``

#. The setup tries to set the timezone automatically, if you need to change your local timezone:

   #. Find your timezone in the "TZ database name" column on `Wikipedia <>`_
   #. ``nano /opt/mm/run/compose.yaml`` and add::

          TZ: <your timezone>

   #. Restart the docker container by executing ``docker compose up`` in directory ``/opt/mm/run``

Code contribution would be appreciated!