guyver2 / battlechess

Chess with Battleship modification. You can only see around your pieces.
3 stars 4 forks source link
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Build Status


Introduction :

On a regular afternoon break at CVLab, a discussion was about to wake us (Pol, Raphael, Pen and Antoine) from our boredom. "Chess, to brainy. BattleShip, lack some action... But wait, what if we mixed both ?" BattleChess was born. Mixing rules from both games to make a new exciting one.

Rules :

The rules are pretty straithforward for anyone who played chess before. The board and pieces are the same. They move and capture opponents the same way. The main difference arise from the fact that at a given time each player can only see the part of the board he actually controls. That's all his pieces positions and direct neighbooring cells. No more, no less. That new rule has some direct consequences on the gameplay.

Installation :

How to play :

Android & iOS Apps :

Building the app

If you are builind the app from source and it complains that cocos2dx doesn't have neon_matrix_impl.c, copy it from cocos2dmods/ to the directory where it is looking for it.

Credits & Licence :

Screenshots :

img1 img2 img3 img4 img5

Screenshots Android & iOS App :

m2 m3 m4 m5