gv-sh / methlab-3js

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The mETHLAB is an ambitious project that leverages the power of threeJS to create a visually stunning and interactive 3D world. Users are introduced to a multi-level environment, each with its own unique purpose and challenges. The narrative unfolds as users progress through these levels, immersing them in a story where they can engage with the world of mETH, reminiscent of the iconic Breaking Bad series.

Source: https://diffusionlabs.notion.site/MethLAB-ThreeJS-Project-Brief-304f7ba29b494b21b4621b80399b57cf

Build instructions

npm run dev : Starts the development server. npm run build: Builds the app for production. npm start : Runs the built app in production mode.


lib ├── deprecated │ └── PlayerPreview ├── gameplay │ ├── KeyboardControl │ └── World ├── loaders │ ├── GLBModel │ └── HDRMap ├── interface │ ├── KeyboardMap │ ├── LoadingScreen │ ├── ModalDispatcher │ ├── Simulator │ ├── SoundToggle │ └── WorldSelector ├── math │ └── Raycasting ├── sound │ └── AudioControl └── vendor ├── MethLab <- Custom modal 1 └── Spacebar <- Custom modal 2
