gvandela / MeteorRpiReceiver

a set of python scripts to automatically capture, decode & e-mail Meteor-M2 satellite images
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A set of python scripts to automatically capture, decode & e-mail Meteor-M2 satellite images

These scripts have been written to run on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B.

This project uses a good ol' DVB-T stick and gnuradio to capture the raw data. The processing of the raw data is performed by 'medet' (medet_arm in this case) developed by Artlav.

The only part which is a bit harder to get over-the-counter is the antenna. I would recommend a QFH antenna, but e.g. crossed dipoles seem to render good results for others. Plans to build them are scattered across the internet.

The 'scheduler' python script is all you need to run. For now, it does need to be in a specific directory, but edit to suit your wishes: "~/Projects/Python_projects/Meteor_receiver" The script will:

Have fun!
