A Gwen interpreter that enables teams to automate end to end web testing and robotic processing with behaviour defined in Gherkin feature specifications. Automation is achieved through Gherkin bindings called meta specs, composed with a prescribed DSL and maintained alongside your feature files. An embedded Selenium engine executes scenarios according to the meta you provide to perform operations in browsers for you.
Visit the Gwen home page for our user documentation and getting started guide.
Feature: Todo
Scenario: Create todo list
Given a new todo list
When the following items are added
| Get the milk |
| Walk the dog |
Then the list will contain 2 items
Feature: Todo Meta (automation glue)
Scenario: a new todo list
When I navigate to "http://todomvc.com/examples/react"
Then the todo field can be located by class "new-todo"
And count can be located by css ".todo-count strong"
Scenario: the following items are added
When I enter item in the todo field
Then count should be record.number
Scenario: the list will contain <expected> items
Then count should be "$<expected>"
Copyright 2014-2024 Brady Wood, Branko Juric.
This software is open sourced under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See also: LICENSE.
This project has dependencies on the core Gwen interpreter and other open source projects. All distributed third party dependencies and their licenses are listed in the LICENSE-THIRDPARTY file.
Open sourced 28 June 2014 03:27 pm AEST
New capabilities, improvements, fixes, and documentation are all welcomed candidates for contribution. Each submission is reviewed and verified by the project maintainers before being integrated and released to the community. We ask that all code submissions include unit tests or sample test features providing relevant coverage.
By submitting contributions, you agree to release your work under the license that covers this software.