gwendall / meteor-simple-schema-i18n

Internationalization for SimpleSchema powered by TAPi18n
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Meteor Simple-Schema i18n

Internationalization for aldeed:simple-schema error messages, powered by tap:i18n.

UPDATE: To get reactively translated labels, placeholders and options in your autoforms, additionally use gwendall:autoform-i18n.


meteor add gwendall:simple-schema-i18n


Help us building a complete i18n solution by translating simple-schema. To do so, please fork the repo and submit a pull request after adding / modifying any language file (in the /i18n folder).
The language code you should use to name new i18n.json files can be found in this list.


@microstudi, @StorytellerCZ, @jlourenco, @cypa1, @maredudd, @kjetilge, @Xiangshen-Meng, @panayi, @daveeel, @nirleka, @uzumaxy, @coderany, @timbrandin, @Adiel-Sharabi, @splendido, @Findegil, @ThePanuto, @achtan, @laosb, @serkandurusoy, @rzmz, @mahmoudkm, @xaiki, @Tim-W, @DavidSichau, @Szayet

To do