gwenhael-le-moine / x48ng

a reboot of the x48 HP 48 emulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
37 stars 4 forks source link
calculator emulator hp hp48 hp48g hp48gx hp48s hp48sx rpl

x48ng -- HP 48 emulator

This is my fork of x48-0.6.4 where I deviate from the original code and do my own thing. (See ./README_0.6.4 for the original README)


x48ng --help

You can use the script or simply run x48ng --rom=<romfilename>


--tui-small version (ncurses, 4 pixels per character)

screenshot of x48ng --tui-small running in a terminal

--tui-tiny --mono version (ncurses, 8 pixels per character)

screenshot of x48ng --tui-tiny --mono running in a terminal

--tui version (ncurses)

screenshot of x48ng --tui running in a terminal

--x11 version

screenshot of x48ng --x11

--sdl/--sdl2 version

screenshot of x48ng --sdl

manual setup

  1. Create $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/x48ng (usually ~/.config/x48ng/)
  2. Copy /usr/share/x48ng/ROMs/gxrom-r (or any other rom) to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/x48ng/rom
  3. Run x48ng --print-config > $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/x48ng/config.lua
  4. Run x48ng

Ncurses UI (--tui)

I had to be a bit 'creative' mapping keys there:

_To quit x48ng use F7

What have I done:

  1. renamed it to x48ng to avoid confusion
  2. merged in a SDL1 version I found @
  3. removed the code supporting Solaris, HP-UX, etc.
  4. removed the autotools-based build system and wrote a simple Makefile instead
  5. added a x48ng.desktop file and an icon
  6. refactoring as a way to explore/understand the codebase
  7. drop Xresources
  8. link to lua to use it as a config file reader
  9. ported the SDL1 GUI to SDL2

Bugs to fix

See and report at

What more I would like to do:

long(er) term


The Makefile will try to autodetect if necessary dependencies for x11 and sdl front-ends are met and enable/disable x11 and sdl front-ends accordingly.

You can force disable x11 front-end by compiling with make WITH_X11=no.

You can force disable sdl front-end by compiling with make WITH_SDL2=no.

Ncurses front-end is always built-in.

Dependencies (see .github/workflows/c-cpp.yml for debian packages names)

for SDL2 version:

for x11 version:

for Ncurses:


  1. Run sudo make install PREFIX=/usr (see the Makefile to see what variables your can override.)
  2. once installed run /usr/share/x48ng/ to setup your ~/.x48ng/. It sets up a HP 48GX with a 128KB card in port 1 and a 4MB card in port 2
  3. run x48ng and enjoy


Friends and inspiration