gwu-libraries / etd-loader

Application for loading ETDs into GW ScholarSpace
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Application for loading ETDs into GW ScholarSpace

etd-loader performs the following functions:


Requires Python >= 3.5

  1. Install prerequisite system packages needed for cryptography as per For Ubuntu, this would look like:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev virtualenv
  2. Get this code.

    git clone
  3. Create a virtualenv.

    virtualenv -p python3 ENV
    source ENV/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Copy configuration file.

  6. Edit configuration file. The file is annotated with descriptions of the configuration options.

Directory structure

    / <base path>
        / etd_store # Contains ETD files that have been retrieved from ETD FTP
        / import_store # Contains files to be imported into repository
        / marc_store # Contains previously created MARC records
        / etd_to_be_imported # Contains ETD files that are to be imported into repository
        / etd_to_be_marced # Contains ETD files that are to be crosswalked to MARC records
        id.db #Id Store, a sqlite db mapping repository ids to Proquest ids.


To run etd-loader:


To run single steps:

python --only <retrieve or import or marc>

Running all steps will:

  1. Retrieve ETD files from the remote server.
    1. For every ETD file that is on the remote server but not in the etd-store, copy from remote server to etd-store.
    2. For every ETD files that is retrieved, copy from etd-store to etd_to_be_marced and etd_to_be_imported.
  2. Import ETDs into GW ScholarSpace. For every ETD file in etd_to_be_imported:
    1. Crosswalk Proquest metadata to repository metadata.
    2. Extract files from ETD file.
    3. Execute GW Scholarspace import function.
    4. Store the returned repository id in the Id Store.
    5. Delete the ETD file from etd_to_be_imported.
  3. Create MARC records for the ETDs.
    1. For every ETD file in etd_to_be_marced:
      1. Check if there is a repository id in the Id Store. If not, then skip.
      2. Crosswalk Proquest metadata and repository id to MARC.
      3. Append MARC record to temporary MARC record file.
      4. Delete the ETD file from etd_to_be_marced.
    2. Email the temporary MARC record file.
    3. Move the temporary MARC record file to marc_store.

Reprocessing ETD files

To reprocess ETD files, the following can be used: