gwu-libraries / obento

Bento Box style search results page
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link


A simple python/django search multiplexing backend for use in a bento-style frontend for GW Libraries.


Developed using Python 2.7, Django 1.8, and PostgreSQL 9.3 on Ubuntu 14.04.


The current production Obento endpoint is at . This can only be accessed directly from within the GW network.

Query API

Query API endpoints are as follows:

/ - returns a results page with six boxes of results (seven if Best Bets contains a result)

/articles_html - returns an HTML page with only the articles results

/articles_json - returns article results as JSON

/books_media_html - returns an HTML page with only the books & media results (wrapper for /launchpad_html)

/books_media_json - returns books & media results as JSON (wrapper for /launchpad_json)

/databases_solr_html - returns an HTML page with database results retrieved by querying Solr

/databases_solr_json - returns database results retrieved by querying Solr, as JSON

/journals_solr_html - returns an HTML page with journal title results retrieved by querying Solr

/journals_solr_json - returns journal title results retrieved by querying Solr, as JSON

/launchpad_html - returns an HTML page with launchpad query results

/launchpad_json - returns launchpad query results as JSON

/summon_html - returns an HTML page with Summon query results with a scope of all as defined in settings

/summon_json - returns Summon query results as JSON, with a scope of all as defined in settings

/summon_books_media_html - returns an HTML page with Summon query results with a scope of books_media as defined in settings

/summon_books_media_json - returns Summon query results as JSON, with a scope of books_media as defined in settings

/research_guides_html - returns an HTML page with Summon query results with a scope of research_guides as defined in settings

/research_guides_json - returns Summon query results as JSON, with a scope of research_guides as defined in settings

/best_bets_html - returns an HTML page with Summon query results with a scope of best_bets as defined in settings

/best_bets_json - returns Summon query results as JSON, with a scope of best_bets as defined in settings

/libsite_html - returns an HTML page with library website query results

/libsite_json - returns library website query results as JSON

Request parameters for the Query endpoints are as follows:

q (optional): query string, e.g.

count (optional): the number of results to return in each box, e.g. . This overrides the default value configured in

ignoresearch (optional): if true, do not record the query in the Searches table, e.g. . If this parameter is not specified, the query will be recorded.

Searches API

/searches - returns an HTML page containing:

Request parameters for the Searches endpoint are as follows:

Installation Instructions

PART I - Basic server requirements

  1. Install Apache, OpenJDK8 and other dependencies

    $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi libaio-dev python-dev python-profiler postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev git libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-setuptools python-virtualenv
    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
    $ sudo apt-get update 
    $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk    
  2. Install Chrome and ChromeDriver (needed for loading and scraping the libguides databases list)

    $ wget
    $ sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

    If you encounter errors related to missing dependencies, then use:

    $ sudo apt-get -f install

    Now proceed with ChromeDriver installation:

    $ sudo apt-get install unzip
    $ wget
    $ unzip
    $ sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin
    $ sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
  3. Prepare Java JVM symlink for Jetty

    Create a symlink to the java jvm

    $ sudo mkdir /usr/java
    $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 /usr/java/default
  4. Download Jetty and unzip.

    $ cd /opt

    Go to and copy the link to the .tar.gz version of the latest download of Jetty 9. Use this link in the following wget command to download the .tar.gz file (again, the URL may change):

    $ sudo wget -O jetty.gz ""
    $ sudo mkdir jetty
    $ sudo tar -xvf jetty.gz -C jetty --strip-components=1
  5. Create jetty user and make it the owner of /opt/jetty

    $ sudo useradd jetty -U -s /bin/false
    $ sudo chown -R jetty:jetty /opt/jetty
  6. Set up jetty to run as a service

    $ sudo cp /opt/jetty/bin/ /etc/init.d/jetty
  7. Create the jetty settings file

    $ sudo vi /etc/default/jetty

    Paste the following into the file, and save it:

    NO_START=0                 # Start on boot
    JETTY_HOST=         # Listen to all hosts
    JETTY_USER=jetty           # Run as this user

    In production, jetty should be running on a port that won't be publicly exposed. In development and testing, exposing Solr might be helpful; never expose it in production.

    NOTE: In the step above, JAVA is set to /usr/bin/java. When upgrading from an environment that had Java 7 installed, /usr/bin/java may be a symbolic link ( another symbolic link) which still points to a Java 7 JRE. If that is the case, reconfigure to ensure that either /usr/bin/java resolves to a Java 8 JRE, or point JAVA in the jetty config file to wherever the Java 8 JRE is.

  8. Start jetty

    $ sudo service jetty start

    This should return something that starts with:

    Starting Jetty: OK

    A possible cause for a failed Jetty start is that /var/run/jetty and contents may need to be owned by the jetty user. To set jetty:jetty as the owner, use sudo chown jetty:jetty /var/run/jetty

    Verify that MYSERVER:8983 returns a page that is "Powered by Jetty" (even if it is a 404-Not Found page)

  9. Add jetty to startup

    $ sudo update-rc.d jetty defaults
  10. Download and unzip solr

    Go to and copy the link to the .tgz version of Solr 4.10.4. Use this link in the following wget command to download the .tgz file (again, the URL may change). This may also require a --no-check-certificate option as well, depending on the download site:

    $ sudo wget -O solr.gz ""
    $ sudo tar -xvf solr.gz

    Copy solr contents:

    $ sudo cp -r solr-4.10.4/example/solr /opt
    $ sudo cp -r solr-4.10.4/dist /opt/solr
    $ sudo cp -r solr-4.10.4/contrib /opt/solr

    Copy ICU Tokenizer jars to /opt/solr/lib

    $ sudo mkdir /opt/solr/lib
    $ sudo cp /opt/solr/contrib/analysis-extras/lib/icu4j-*.jar /opt/solr/lib
    $ sudo cp /opt/solr/contrib/analysis-extras/lucene-libs/lucene-analyzers-icu-* /opt/solr/lib
  11. Copy solr .war and .jar files to jetty

    $ sudo cp /opt/solr/dist/solr-4.10.4.war /opt/jetty/webapps/solr.war
    $ sudo cp solr-4.10.4/example/lib/ext/* /opt/jetty/lib/ext

    Ensure that these are now owned by jetty:

    $ sudo chown -R jetty:jetty /opt/jetty
  12. Update jetty settings

    $ sudo vi /etc/default/jetty

    Append the following line:

    JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dsolr.solr.home=/opt/solr $JAVA_OPTIONS"
  13. Change the owner of the solr folder and contents to jetty

    $ sudo chown -R jetty:jetty /opt/solr
  14. Change collection1 in solr to obento:

    $ cd /opt/solr
    $ sudo mv collection1 obento

    Replace name=collection1 with name=obento in

    $ sudo vi obento/
  15. Restart jetty

    $ sudo service jetty restart

PART II - Set up project environment

  1. Create a directory for your projects (replace <OBENTO_HOME> with your desired directory path and name: for instance /obento or /home/<username>/obento )

    $ mkdir <OBENTO_HOME>
    $ cd <OBENTO_HOME>
  2. Pull down the project from github

    (GW staff only)
    $ git clone
    (everyone else)
    $ git clone
  3. Create virtual Python environment for the project

    $ cd <OBENTO_HOME>/obento
    $ virtualenv --no-site-packages ENV
  4. Activate your virtual environment

    $ source ENV/bin/activate
  5. Upgrade to the latest pip and install project dependencies

    (ENV)$ pip install pip --upgrade
    (ENV)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

    If the previous step encounters problems installing pytz, then it can be installed as follows

    easy_install --upgrade pytz

PART III - Set up the database

  1. Create a database user for django (and make a note of the password you create). A name for MYDBUSER might be something like obentouser_m1 (m1 for milestone 1)

    $ sudo -u postgres createuser --createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole --pwprompt MYDBUSER
  2. Create a database for the obento application. A name for MYDBNAME might be something like obi_m1

    $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O MYDBUSER MYDBNAME

PART IV - Configure the web application

  1. Copy the local settings template to an active file

    $ cd obento/obi/obi
    $ cp
  2. Update the values in the file: for the database, NAME, USER, and PASSWORD to the database you created above, and set ENGINE to 'postgresql_psycopg2'; also, set a SECRET_KEY. Ensure that the port number in SOLR_URL matches JETTY_PORT configured earlier in /etc/default/jetty. Provide a LOG_FILE_PATH and create a corresponding logs directory in the obento top directory.

    $ vi
  3. Copy the WSGI file template to an active file

    $ cp
  4. Update the file. (Uncomment the virtualenv settings starting with "import site" and Change the value of ENV to your environment path)

    $ vi
  5. Initialize database tables. WARNING: Be sure you are still using your virtualenv. DO NOT create a superuser when prompted!

    (ENV)$ cd <OBENTO_HOME>/obento/obi
    (ENV)$ python migrate

    If you encounter an authentication error with postgresql edit your file and set HOST = 'localhost'

    If you encounter an error during the above command that ends with:

    TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be string, not None

    Then you need to add location values to your profile. Open your .bashrc file in an editor:

    $ vim ~/.bashrc

    Enter the following values at the end of the file and save.

    export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

    Now, reload your bashrc changes:

    source ~/.bashrc

    Now, rerun the migrate command.

    (ENV)$ python migrate
  6. Copy the Apache virtual host file to the Apache2 directory

    $ cd /<OBENTO_HOME>/obento
    $ sudo cp apache/obento /etc/apache2/sites-available/obento.conf
  7. Configure self signed SSL certificates. Refer

Part V - Start the server

If you choose to run obento in apache (versus django runserver):

  1. Update the values in the Apache virtual host file.

    Edit the host port number Edit your server name (base url) Edit the many instances of <path to OBENTO_HOME>. Beware: the line for the WSGI Daemon has two references to that path.

    $ sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/obento.conf

    To change all of the path values at once use the global replace command in vim

  2. Enable the apache headers module, this is required for CORS support.

    $ sudo a2enmod headers
  3. Enable the new virtualhost. If you are using port 80 also disable the default host

    $ sudo a2ensite obento
    $ sudo a2dissite default
    $ sudo service apache2 restart

Part VI - Load some data

  1. Copy the obento solr configuration files to solr

    $ sudo cp -r /<OBENTO_HOME>/obento/obi/obi/conf /opt/solr/obento/

    Restart jetty

    $ sudo service jetty restart

To load GW's list of databases from libguides, first configure with a list of libguides page sids.

Then, to load/parse/add databases from these pages to the database:

    $ ./ load_databases

To verify that the databases loaded, try querying the html or json view:


To index the list of databases in Solr:

    $ ./ index_databases

Test that indexing worked with this path:


The results should look different from the test above.

To load the Excel-formatted extract of journal titles:

    $ ./ load_journals <JOURNALS_EXCEL_FILE>

To verify that the journal titles loaded, try querying the html or json view:


To index the list of journals in Solr:

    $ ./ index_journals

Test that indexing worked with this path:


The results should look different from the test above.

You may also wish to have a cron job reload (and reindex) the databases list on a regular basis. To accomplish this, you can add a line in your crontab similar to this:

   0 2 * * * <PATH TO YOUR APP>/obento/ENV/bin/python <PATH TO YOUR APP>/obento/obi/ load_databases && <PATH TO YOUR APP>/obento/ENV/bin/python <PATH TO YOUR APP>/obento/obi/ index_databases 

This would run load_databases, then index_databases every night at 2:00 A.M.