gwuhaolin / livego

live video streaming server in golang
MIT License
9.58k stars 1.99k forks source link
flash flv golang h264 hls livestream rtmp video


Test Release

Simple and efficient live broadcast server:

Supported transport protocols

Supported container formats

Supported encoding formats


After directly downloading the compiled binary file, execute it on the command line.

Boot from Docker

Run docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 7001:7001 -p 7002:7002 -p 8090:8090 -d gwuhaolin/livego to start

Compile from source

  1. Download the source code git clone
  2. Go to the livego directory and execute go build or make build


  1. Start the service: execute the livego binary file or make run to start the livego service;
  2. Get a channelkey(used for push the video stream) from http://localhost:8090/control/get?room=movie and copy data like your channelkey.
  3. Upstream push: Push the video stream to rtmp://localhost:1935/{appname}/{channelkey} through theRTMP protocol(default appname is live), for example, use ffmpeg -re -i demo.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/{appname}/{channelkey} push(download demo flv);
  4. Downstream playback: The following three playback protocols are supported, and the playback address is as follows:
    • RTMP:rtmp://localhost:1935/{appname}/movie
    • FLV:{appname}/movie.flv
    • HLS:{appname}/movie.m3u8
  5. Use hls via https: generate ssl certificate(server.key, server.crt files), place them in directory with executable file, change "use_hls_https" option in livego.yaml to true (false by default)

all options:

./livego  -h
Usage of ./livego:
      --api_addr string       HTTP manage interface server listen address (default ":8090")
      --config_file string    configure filename (default "livego.yaml")
      --flv_dir string        output flv file at flvDir/APP/KEY_TIME.flv (default "tmp")
      --gop_num int           gop num (default 1)
      --hls_addr string       HLS server listen address (default ":7002")
      --hls_keep_after_end    Maintains the HLS after the stream ends
      --httpflv_addr string   HTTP-FLV server listen address (default ":7001")
      --level string          Log level (default "info")
      --read_timeout int      read time out (default 10)
      --rtmp_addr string      RTMP server listen address

Use with flv.js

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