Automated Storybook Setup
Simplify Storybook story creation and cross-browser image comparison testing
Setting up storybook and implement cross-browser image comparison testing on multiple projects is time consuming.
Instead of providing a wrapper on top of existing projects that will fall out of date, Picturebook lets you retain control of the Storybook and Nightwatch packages.
This project aims to provide utility methods to simplify Storybook, SauceLabs and Nightwatch configuration and screenshot comparison. Specifically:
to your /etc/hosts
(the exact steps may vary depending on your platform, see here for more details).yarn add --dev picturebook @storybook/react nightwatch react
React is used in the examples but you can also use any flavor of storybook you want.
If you don't have Storybook set it up yet, follow these instructions first.
Some of Picturebook utility methods rely on the output of require.context
. This is a webpack construct and it's not available in Node or test environments. There are multiple ways to mock it. If you are using babel you could add the require-context-hook plugin. For instance, if you want to enable it only for tests, you can do something like:
"env": {
"test": {
"plugins": ["require-context-hook"]
and on your test setup:
Alternatively, there's also the require-context npm package that will also emulate webpack's require.context
The API can be split into 2 sections, storybook creation for finding files in the file system and creating storybook stories around them and storybook testing, to connect to SauceLabs and run cross-browser image comparison tests.
and loadStories
have very similar APIs and output.
allows you to retrieve a list of related files. For instance if you have:
It will provide an array of 2 elements (file1 and file2) with the different related files grouped.
These values are used to identify helper files for stories where *.md
is understood to be documentation,.*(spec|test).js
is a test file and an unprefixed *.js
file is a story. The flattenFolders
parameters allow grouping nested folders as well. For instance if flattenFolders: ['a']
and a/file1.png
will be grouped together.
provide the same functionality than getFiles
but it also loads and creates storybook stories. This is why it requires storybook's storiesOf method as a parameter. The response is also similar but it includes a main
method with the loaded story.
You can find the exact APIs below:
type StoryPaths = {|
name: string,
parents: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
title: string,
path: string,
screenshots: {|
[extension: string]: string,
tests: {|
[extension: string]: string,
doc: ?string,
url: ?string,
// Retrieve and group the different stories based on their filenames
function getFiles({|
baseUrl?: string, // The url for the story, defaults to:
// 'http://localhost:6006'
flattenFolders?: Array<string> // Folders to flatten
// defaults to ['__snapshots__', '__screenshots__']
stories: any, // Output of require context with the stories
findKindAndStory?: ( // Customize "selectedKind" and "selectedStory" on the URL
story: StoryPaths, // this is not needed if stories are generated with "loadStories"
) => {|
selectedKind: string,
selectedStory: string
filter?: {| // Filter functions to determine how different files are grouped
screenshots?: (file: string) => boolean,
tests?: (file: string) => boolean,
docs?: (file: string) => boolean,
story?: (file: string, target: string) => boolean,
|}): Array<StoryPaths>
// Retrieve, group, load and create stories
function loadStories({|
baseUrl?: string, // The url for the story, defaults to:
// 'http://localhost:6006'
flattenFolders?: Array<string> // Folders to flatten
// defaults to ['__snapshots__', '__screenshots__']
stories: any, // Output of require context with the stories
decorators: $ReadOnlyArray<Function>,
storiesOf: any,
storyFiles: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
|}): Array<StoryPaths & {|
main: () => any,
Once stories are loaded, runTests
will connect to SauceLabs (optionally through a SauceConnect tunnel) and return a Promise that includes the results of the test.
Since it uses nightwatch
under the hood, you must have a valid nightwatch instance running. To assist with it, nightwatchConfig
provides defaultValues
type Status = 'CREATED' | 'SUCCESS' | 'FAILED'
type ImgResults = {|
browser: string,
diffPath: ?string,
diffThreshold: number,
error: ?string,
name: string,
platform: string,
referencePath: ?string,
screenshotPath: ?string,
status: Status,
type Tunnel = {|
id: string,
binaryPath: string,
// Invoke nightwatch and run image comparison in SauceLabs
function runTests(options: {|
configPath: string, // absolute path to nightwatch config
files: Array<StoryPaths>, // output of getFiles()
overwrite: boolean, // true to replace failing or missing images
storyRoot: string, // absolute path to the stories
tunnel?: Tunnel, // if set, it will set up a SC tunnel with the id
outputPath?: string, // if set, where to store the test results as a
// json file matching the return of `runTests`
|}): Promise<{|
error: Error | null, // null if there were no exceptions during tests
results: Array<ImgResults>, // per browser / platform / story results
// An overall summary status. If any tests failed, it's FAILED, if any tests
// where created or updated it's CREATED, if all tests succeeded it's SUCCESS
// if no tests ran, it's EMPTY
status: Status | 'EMPTY',
counts: {| // counts for all tests
CREATED: number,
SUCCESS: number,
FAILED: number,
version: string, // picturebook version used
date: string, // ISO date when was the test report created
// Nightwatch config generation helper
function nightwatchConfig(options: {|
desiredCapabilities?: {}, // nightwatch desired capabilities object
localOverrides: {}, // overrides set when browser.local flag is true
remoteOverrides: {}, // overrides when browser.local flag is falsy
files: Array<StoryPaths>, // output of getFiles()
username: string, // SauceLabs username
access_key: string, // SauceLabs accessKey
browsers?: { // List of browsers to test. Default list
// includes chrome, firefox, edge, ie11,
// iphone7 and safari but any valid SauceLabs
// config is valid
[browserName: string]: {
desiredCapabilities: {
platform: string,
version: string,
browserName: string,
screenResolution: string,
custom_vars: {| // Custom properties required per browser config:
local?: boolean, // optionally run this browser locally. Useful for
// a mix of remote and local browsers
name: string, // Must match "browserName"
platform: string, // "mobile" | "desktop" but any string is allowed
extract?: {| // If cropping the output, specify crop dimensions
top: number,
left: number,
width: number,
height: number,
// Alias for browsers where localhost cannot be accessed from a tunnel,
// defaults to ""
localhostAlias?: string,
// List of browsers that can't access localhost from a tunnel, defaults to:
// ["ie11", "safari"]
localhostAliasBrowsers?: Array<string>,
proxy?: {}, // Nightwatch proxy object
|}): Object
This project includes a sample app to demo the behavior. You can view it running yarn start
and opening localhost:6006
on your browser.
To run the image comparison tests, keep yarn start
To take advantage of the automated storybook folder config (and testing) modify your storybook config.js
to look like this:
import { storiesOf, configure } from '@storybook/react'
import * as picturebook from 'picturebook'
function loadStories() {
stories: require.context('../stories', true, /\.(js|md|png)/),
configure(loadStories, module)
If you want to see a more advanced use case on how to use it with decorators and other plugins, check out the sample project.
To take screenshots, picturebook relies on nightwatch. With the exception of a few required fields, configuration is generated for you. To take advantage of it you should create a nightwatch.conf.js
file on your root (or customize it following instructions here).
const { resolve } = require('path')
const { nightwatchConfig, getFiles } = require('picturebook')
const requireContext = require('require-context')
const config = nightwatchConfig({
username: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,
access_key: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY,
files: getFiles({
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:6006',
stories: requireContext(resolve(__dirname, './stories'), true, /\.js/),
desiredCapabilities: {
build: 'local',
'tunnel-identifier': 'picturebook-sample',
module.exports = config
To take screenshots and run image comparison, you can call:
files: getFiles({
stories: requireContext(storyRoot, true, /\.(js|png)/),
configPath: resolve(__dirname, 'nightwatch.conf.js'),
Note that if using a tunnel, tunnel-identifier
on your nightwatch config must match the
parameter passed to runTests
This is a SauceLabs issue. To work around it, safari
and edge
browsers replace localhost
from urls to
as described here.
You can customize the target browsers and localhost alias with the localhostAliasBrowsers
and localhostAlias
, respectively.
Picturebook will only take screenshots of the files you tell it exists. You can filter the output from require.context by specifying a different regExp to filter by.
If you see the following error after a couple unsuccessful runs of SauceConnect:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn ~/picturebook/node_modules/node-sauce-connect/lib/sc ENOENT
Sometimes it gets stuck. Try cleaning node_modules
and re-running yarn:
rm -rf node_modules
This is a Nightwatch issue, addressed in 1.0.4 versions of Nightwatch and later as per this issue.
There's currently a bug in node-dir that fails on empty dirs.
Remove empty folders within your stories if you see the following error:
results.files = results.files.concat(res.files);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'files' of undefined
at subloop (/Users/obartra/repos/gymnast/node_modules/node-dir/lib/paths.js:92:58)
at /Users/obartra/repos/gymnast/node_modules/node-dir/lib/paths.js:107:13
at onDirRead (/Users/obartra/repos/gymnast/node_modules/node-dir/lib/paths.js:139:35)
at onStat (/Users/obartra/repos/gymnast/node_modules/node-dir/lib/paths.js:154:14)
You can do so with:
find /some/path -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} \;
Selenium 3.0+ requires Java 8. Make sure it's installed if you get the following error:
Starting selenium server in parallel mode... There was an error while starting the Selenium server:
No Java runtime present, requesting install.
For additional Selenium tips, check out selenium-standalone tips.