gzimbron / svelte-datagrid

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Svelte DataGrid

Svelte DataGrid is a high-performance, feature-rich grid component for Svelte. It is designed to handle large datasets and provide a smooth scrolling experience. It is also designed to be accessible and customizable.

It's based on the excellent (but deprecated) svelte-data-grid.

πŸ‘€ Demo website

Demo website

πŸš€ Features


ℹ️ Usage:


npm install @gzim/svelte-datagrid


import { Datagrid } from '@gzim/svelte-datagrid';


Datagrid requires 2 properties to be passed in order to display data: rows and columns.

columns is an array of objects containing at least 3 properties: label, dataKey, and width. A svelte component can be specified in headerComponent and cellComponent if any custom cell behavior is required.

        label: 'Name', // What will be displayed as the column header
        dataKey: 'firstName', // The key of a row to get the column's data from
        width: 400 // Width, in pixels, of column
        label: 'Age',
        dataName: 'age',
        width: 150

rows is an array of objects containing the data for each table row.

        firstName: 'Gustavo',
        age: 34
        firstName: 'Paulina',
        age: 31
        firstName: 'Daphne',
        age: 2

πŸ“ Editing Data

You can use this 3 componets as cellComponent to edit data:

Import the components:

import { TextboxCell, SelectCell, CheckboxCell } from '@gzim/svelte-datagrid';

Textbox Cell

Textbox cell will debounce the user input.

  label: 'Name',
  dataKey: 'name',
  width: 250,
  cellComponent: TextboxCell

Select Cell

SelectCell requires that you provide an options array in your cell definition:

  label: 'Simpsons Character',
  dataKey: 'simpsonChar',
  width: 200,
  cellComponent: SelectCell,
  options: [
      display: 'Homer',
      value: 'homer'
      display: 'Bart',
      value: 'bart'
      display: 'Lisa',
      value: 'lisa'
      display: 'Marge',
      value: 'marge'
      display: 'Maggie',
      value: 'maggie'

Checkbox Cell

CheckboxCell will set the checked state of the checkbox depending on the boolean value of the row's data.

  display: 'Pending',
  dataName: 'pending',
  width: 75,
  cellComponent: CheckboxCell

✨ Custom Cell Components

To create a custom cell component, create a new Svelte component following the example below.

Components will be passed the following properties:


<script lang="ts" generics="T">
    import type { GridCellUpdated, GridColumn } from 'datagrid-svelte/types';
    import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';

    type ComponentEventsList = {
        valueUpdated: GridCellUpdated<T>;
    const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<ComponentEventsList>();

    export let row: T;
    export let column: GridColumn<T>;
    export let rowIndex: number;

    const onSomethingHappens = () => {
        dispatch('valueUpdated', {
            value: 'newValue',

<div class="checkbox-cell" data-row-index="{rowIndex}">ADD HERE YOUR CUSTOM CELL CONTENT</div>

<style lang="postcss">
    .checkbox-cell {
        text-align: center;

Import the component

import MyCustomCell from './MyCustomCell.svelte';

columns option:

    label: 'Icon'
    dataKey: 'icon',
    width: 300,
    cellComponent: MyCustomCell

✨ Custom Header Components

Header components can also be specified in columns entries as the headerComponent property. Header components are only passed column, the column object from columns.

<script lang="ts" generics="T">
    import type { GridCellUpdated, GridColumn } from 'datagrid-svelte/types';

    export let column: GridColumn<T>;

<div class="checkbox-cell"><u>~{ column.label }~</u></div>

<style lang="postcss">
    .checkbox-cell {
        text-align: center;

πŸ› οΈ Options and Functions:

Datagrid provides a few options for controlling the grid and its interactions:

βš™οΈ Properties

πŸ’« Functions exported

Yoy can bind to the following functions to control the grid:

const getGridState: () => {
    visibleRowsIndexes: {
        start: number;
        end: number;
    scrollTop: number;
    scrollLeft: number;
    yScrollPercent: number;
    xScrollPercent: number;
const scrollToRow: (rowIndex: number, behavior: ScrollBehavior = 'smooth') => void;

πŸ’„ Styling


Bugs? Suggestions?

Please file an issue if you find a bug or have a suggestion for a new feature.