gzip / esp-cli

Command Line Interface for Espruino
MIT License
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Espruino CLI

Command Line Interface for Espruino


npm i -g espruino-cli

Use sudo if npm complains about permissions.


It should detect and connect to your device automatically if plugged in.


Auto complete is supported via the tab key. More options are available via .help. To quit type .exit.


In some cases you may need to require external modules. In order to do so you must first load the modules into memory using the .module command.

>.module wii_nunchuck
>var nunchuck = require("wii_nunchuck");

By default the module command will look for modules at espruino.com/modules/ but an arbitrary URL or file path may also be provided.

>.module foo http://espmods.com/mods/foo
>.module bar ./modules/bar.js
>var foo = require("foo");
>var bar = require("bar");


MIT License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.