h-cha / unity_to_instant-ngp

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Xarmの先端にカメラ方向をz軸と揃えたobject作成、その姿勢情報を取得 #4

Open h-cha opened 1 year ago

h-cha commented 1 year ago
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
import json
from cv2 import aruco
import sys
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

def variance_of_laplacian(image):
    return cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_64F).var()

def sharpness(imagePath):
    image = cv2.imread(imagePath)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    fm = variance_of_laplacian(gray)
    return fm

def closest_point_2_lines(oa, da, ob, db):
    # returns point closest to both rays of form o+t*d, and a weight factor that goes to 0 if the lines are parallel
    da = da / np.linalg.norm(da)
    db = db / np.linalg.norm(db)
    c = np.cross(da, db)
    denom = np.linalg.norm(c)**2
    t = ob - oa
    ta = np.linalg.det([t, db, c]) / (denom + 1e-10)
    tb = np.linalg.det([t, da, c]) / (denom + 1e-10)
    if ta > 0:
        ta = 0
    if tb > 0:
        tb = 0
    return (oa+ta*da+ob+tb*db) * 0.5, denom

# robot -> camera (x, y, z) -> (-x, z, y)z軸をカメラに向ける 左手座標
# 基準姿勢におけるロボットアームの先端の座標系(x, y, z)→unityグローバル座標系(-x, -y, z)
# 「グローバル座標系」と「基準姿勢におけるロボットアームの先端の座標系」の座標軸の向きを揃える
def robot_to_global_unity(quaternion, position):
    # robot -> camera (x, y, z) -> (-x, z, y)z軸をカメラに向ける 左手座標
    # position[0] = -position[0]
    # temp = position[1]
    # position[1] = position[2]
    # position[2] = temp

    # quaternion[0] = -quaternion[0]
    # temp = quaternion[1]
    # quaternion[1] = quaternion[2]
    # quaternion[2] = temp

    # 基準姿勢におけるロボットアームの先端の座標系(x, y, z)→unityグローバル座標系(-x, -y, z)

    position[0] = -position[0]
    position[1] = -position[1]

    quaternion[0] = -quaternion[0]
    quaternion[1] = -quaternion[1]

    return quaternion, position

def read_data():
    # lines = [line.strip('\n') for line in lines if line != '\n']
    quaternion = []
    position = []

    # robot arm
    position = np.array(list(map(float, datalist[0].strip().split())))
    quaternion = np.array(list(map(float, datalist[0].strip().split())))
    # # 改行削除
    # if len(datalist) > 0:
    #     datalist.pop(0)

    return quaternion, position

# unity (左手系)-> opencv (右手系)
def left_to_right(quaternion, position):
    # y軸反転
    quaternion[1] = -quaternion[1]
    position[1] = -position[1]
    return quaternion, position

# quaternion (右手系)-> 回転行列(右手系)
def q_to_mat(quaternion):
    # クォータニオンから
#     quat = np.array([0.        , 0.67385289, 0.44923526, 0.58660887])
    rot = Rotation.from_quat(quaternion)

    # 回転行列に変換
    rot = rot.as_matrix()

    return rot

# rot(mat3x3), pos(x,y,z)回転行列作成
def mat4x4(rot, position):
    mat = np.zeros((4, 4))
    mat[0:3, 0:3] = rot
    mat[0:3, 3] = position
    mat[3, 3] = 1
    return mat

# opencv (右手系)-> nerf
def generate_transform_matrix(mat):
    shift_coords = np.matrix([
        [0, 0, 1, 0],
        [1, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, -1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    xf = shift_coords @ mat
    return xf

def main():
    data_dir = "./data/230627_unity"
    png_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "png/")
    json_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "calib_result.json")
    res_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "transforms.json")

    images = np.array(
        [png_dir + f for f in os.listdir(png_dir) if f.endswith(".JPG")])
    order = np.argsort(
        [int(p.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]) for p in images])

    images = images[order]

    with open(json_path) as f:
        calib_params = json.load(f)

    mtx = np.array(calib_params["mtx"])
    dist = np.array(calib_params["dist"]).T

    frame = cv2.imread(images[0])
    transform_dict = {}
    transform_dict["fl_x"] = mtx[0, 0]
    transform_dict["fl_y"] = mtx[1, 1]

    transform_dict["k1"] = dist[0][0]
    transform_dict["k2"] = dist[1][0]
    transform_dict["p1"] = dist[2][0]
    transform_dict["p2"] = dist[3][0]
    transform_dict["cx"] = mtx[0, 2]
    transform_dict["cy"] = mtx[1, 2]
    transform_dict["w"] = frame.shape[1]
    transform_dict["h"] = frame.shape[0]
    transform_dict["aabb_scale"] = 2
    transform_dict["scale"] = 1
    transform_dict["offset"] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    transform_dict["frames"] = []

    for idx, im in enumerate(images):
        frame_dict = {}
        frame_dict["file_path"] = im
        frame_dict["sharpness"] = sharpness(im)

        frame = cv2.imread(im)
        if frame_dict["sharpness"] < 60:
            frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
            cv2.imshow("not sharp", frame)

        opengl_rob_q, opengl_rob_pos = read_data()

        opengl_rot = q_to_mat(opengl_rob_q)

        w_rt = mat4x4(opengl_rot, opengl_rob_pos)

        # <class 'numpy.matrix'> から<class 'numpy.ndarray'>変換
        w_rt= np.asarray(w_rt)

        frame_dict["transform_matrix"] = w_rt


        # cv2.imshow("test", imaxis)
        # cv2.waitKey(10)

    # print("flip coordinates ...")
    # for f in transform_dict["frames"]:
    #     c2w = f["transform_matrix"]
    #     c2w[0:3, 2] *= -1   # flip the y and z axis
    #     c2w[0:3, 1] *= -1
    #     c2w = c2w[[1, 0, 2, 3], :]  # swap y and z
    #     c2w[2, :] *= -1  # flip whole world upside down
    # print(c2w)

    # print("computing center of attention...")
    # totw = 0.0
    # totp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    # count = 0
    # for f in transform_dict["frames"]:
    #     mf = f["transform_matrix"][0:3, :]
    #     print(mf)
    #     for g in transform_dict["frames"]:
    #         mg = g["transform_matrix"][0:3, :]
    #         p, w = closest_point_2_lines(
    #             mf[:, 3], mf[:, 2], mg[:, 3], mg[:, 2])
    #         if w > 0.01:
    #             totp += p*w
    #             totw += w
    #         count += 1
    # print("totw:", totw, ", cnt:", count, ", avgw:", totw/count)

    # totp /= totw
    # transform_dict["totp"] = totp.tolist()
    # print(totp)  # the cameras are looking at totp

    # for f in transform_dict["frames"]:
    #     f["transform_matrix"][0:3, 3] -= totp

    # avglen = 0.
    # for f in transform_dict["frames"]:
    #     avglen += np.linalg.norm(f["transform_matrix"][0:3, 3])
    # avglen /= len(transform_dict["frames"])

    # print("avg camera distance from origin", avglen)
    # print("scale: ", 4.0 / avglen)
    # transform_dict["totw"] = 4.0 / avglen

    # for f in transform_dict["frames"]:
    #     f["transform_matrix"][0:3, 3] *= 4.0 / avglen

    for f in transform_dict["frames"]:
        f["transform_matrix"] = f["transform_matrix"].tolist()

    with open(res_path, "w") as fp:
        json.dump(transform_dict, fp, indent=2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = "./data/230627_unity/xarm_position_xyz.txt"
    with open(path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
        datalist  = f.readlines()

h-cha commented 1 year ago
スクリーンショット 2023-06-27 21 35 59
h-cha commented 1 year ago


(0.00, 0.12, 0.21)
(0.00000, 0.70711, -0.70711, 0.00000)
(0.00, 0.12, 0.51)
(0.00000, 0.90964, -0.41541, 0.00000)


h-cha commented 1 year ago


  1. instant-ngpの変な仕様 ngpの座標 transform.jsonに入力した座標(0.8, 1.0, 1.2)→実際にngpに表示される座標(1, 1.2, 0.8)

  2. unity->openGL z軸を反転(positionのみ?rotationも?)

  3. rotationおかしい問題

h-cha commented 1 year ago



  1. instant-ngpの変な仕様 ngpの座標 transform.jsonに入力した座標(0.8, 1.0, 1.2)→実際にngpに表示される座標(1, 1.2, 0.8)

  2. unity->openGL z軸を反転(positionのみ)

    スクリーンショット 2023-06-27 22 06 56
スクリーンショット 2023-06-27 22 09 21

やったこと z反転(posのみ) ↓ 1. instant-ngpの変な仕様の変換(posのみ)

-0.21 0.00  0.12  
0.00000  0.70711  -0.70711  0.00000
-0.51 0.00  0.12  
0.00000  0.90964  -0.41541  0.00000
h-cha commented 1 year ago

やったこと z反転(pos, rot) ↓ 1. instant-ngpの変な仕様の変換(pos, rot)

-0.21  0.00  0.12  
0.70711   0.00000  0.70711   0.00000
-0.51     0.00  0.12 
0.41541    0.00000   0.90964      0.00000
スクリーンショット 2023-06-28 0 26 55 スクリーンショット 2023-06-27 22 09 21
h-cha commented 1 year ago

やったこと z反転(pos) ↓ 1. instant-ngpの変な仕様の変換(pos, rot)

-0.21  0.00  0.12  
-0.70711   0.00000  0.70711   0.00000
-0.51     0.00  0.12 
-0.41541    0.00000   0.90964      0.00000
スクリーンショット 2023-06-28 1 20 37 スクリーンショット 2023-06-27 22 09 21
h-cha commented 1 year ago

↑ 今までは、このコードでtransform.jsonを作成していたが、quaternionを回転行列にするところでミスってそう quaternionを回転行列にするところの関数はopenCVの座標系で計算しないといけないのに、openGLの座標系で計算している

h-cha commented 1 year ago

opengl unity 今後やる方法 unityで取得した後、openCV の座標系に変換(y軸反転) ↓ quaternionから回転行列を生成 ↓ openCVの座標系からopenGLの座標系に変換(x、y反転) ↓ 1. instant-ngpの変な仕様の変換(pos, rot)