h-g-s / lp

Simple C/C++ interface to COIN-OR CBC, CPLEX, GLPK and GUROBI, with some interesting features
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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LP {#mainpage}

LP is a simple and lightweight solver-independent C/C++ wraper to Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) solvers. It currently supports COIN-OR CBC, GLPK, CPLEX and GUROBI. It can be called from any C 89 (or higher) compatible compiler. I created LP because as someone used to the C based CPLEX callable library, I was frustrated with the relatively large object oriented framework that one had to know to successfully use all the features in the COIN-OR CBC integer optimizer (OSI, CGL, CBC...).

Besides the standard Creation/Modification, Problem Query and Optimization routines LP provides access to some usefull features to Mixed Integer Optimizers:



Just add lp.cpp and lp.h to your project and specify your mip solver adding one of the following compilation directives (ex. in GCC -DCBC):


Just add all required libraries of your selected solver.