h2020-westlife-eu / virtualfolder

Virtual Folder
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Public portal doesn't work, HTTP 50x returned by backend service, or unexpected value (HTTP 200, no json value) #53

Closed TomasKulhanek closed 6 years ago

TomasKulhanek commented 6 years ago

I got HTTP 504 Gateway Time-out on https://portal.west-life.eu/metadataservice/files Which seems that the container with backend service (.NET Metadataservice) is not working. Can you check it, please.

TomasKulhanek commented 6 years ago


TomasKulhanek commented 6 years ago

Several issues discovered.

TomasKulhanek commented 6 years ago
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: error during getting user info of sessionid pz3702xm0skrq7n1ynql9qf5qk4livnf Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies.  at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.JsonServiceClient.DeserializeFromStream[T] (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.HandleResponse[TResponse] (System.Net.WebResponse webResponse) [0x000bd] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.Send[TResponse] (System.String httpMethod, System.String relativeOrAbsoluteUrl, System.Object request) [0x00056] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: error during getting authproxy info of sessionid pz3702xm0skrq7n1ynql9qf5qk4livnf domain portal.west-life.eu
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: UNAUTHORIZED  at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.ThrowWebServiceException[TResponse] (System.Exception ex, System.String requestUri) [0x00144] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.ThrowResponseTypeException[TResponse] (System.Object request, System.Exception ex, System.String requestUri) [0x00003] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.HandleResponseException[TResponse] (System.Exception ex, System.Object request, System.String requestUri, System.Func`1[TResult] createWebRequest, System.Func`2[T,TResult] getResponse, TResponse& response) [0x000cb] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.Send[TResponse] (System.String httpMethod, System.String relativeOrAbsoluteUrl, System.Object request) [0x00062] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.Get[TResponse] (System.String relativeOrAbsoluteUrl) [0x00000] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at MetadataService.Services.Files.VreCookieRequestFilterAttribute.GetAuthProxy (System.String sessionid, System.String domain) [0x00052] in <241aefa1a1f1418fbafc180ef4bcae37>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: error during getting user info of sessionid pz3702xm0skrq7n1ynql9qf5qk4livnf Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies.  at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.JsonServiceClient.DeserializeFromStream[T] (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.HandleResponse[TResponse] (System.Net.WebResponse webResponse) [0x000bd] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: at ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.ServiceClientBase.Send[TResponse] (System.String httpMethod, System.String relativeOrAbsoluteUrl, System.Object request) [0x00056] in <3f1d9d393843495b897d989976fba7e7>:0
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: Stacktrace:
Nov 29 20:59:46 localhost mono: Native stacktrace:


TomasKulhanek commented 6 years ago

SIGSEGV solved, this is due to some I/O issues of booted cernvm – I switched the mono to the one I have at /cvmfs/west-life.egi.eu/tools/mono and the service starts working.

There are some other I/O issues on the VM

TomasKulhanek commented 6 years ago

Public portal now operable and working: