h2020-westlife-eu / virtualfolder

Virtual Folder
MIT License
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Virtual folder


This "Virtual Folder" provides a unified access mechanism to files stored in a variety of locations including the local file system, and B2DROP and other cloud storage facilities. It is developed in work package WP6 by the West-Life H2020 project, which is running from 2015 to 2018. It provides application level services usable for structural biology use cases and follows the structural biology data lifecycle. Data management work package WP6 build on existing infrastructure for storing and accessing data to create a "Virtual Folder". Full documentation is rendered in HTML docs or PDF docs


A public installation of the Virtual Folder is available at West-Life portal. Follow User's guide for further details how to use it.


Virtual Folder can be installed:

  1. from source codes
  2. from binaries at cernvm-fs
  3. from cloud template, contextualized to binaries at cernvm-fs

For all the installation options follow: Installation guide.

Brief installation instruction from source codes

Requirement: VirtualBox (5.1.22 recommended, newer not guaranteed to work), Vagrant (1.9.6 recommended, newer not guaranteed to work) Minimal: 1 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 50GB disk space. OS: Any which supported by VirtualBox or Vagrant (Windows 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 tested)

git clone https://github.com/h2020-westlife-eu/west-life-wp6

cd west-life-wp6

vagrant up

The new virtual machine can be accessed via web browser http://[vm.ip.address]:[port]/ By default, http://localhost:8080 Virtual folder provides WEBDAV API at http://[vm.ip.address]:[port]/webdav e.g. http://localhost:8080/webdav

Inside VM, the files of the current working directory of host are mounted into /vagrant and the repositories of virtual folder are accessible at /srv/virtualfolder


The functionality of the Virtual Folder can be integrated into other portal or web application. The recommended method is to link the existing component using cross-document messaging mechanism - e.g. for picking a file from Virtual Folder by using the File Picker component.

Follow Integration guide for further details.


In order to test, contribute to source codes and prepare virtual machine environment with source codes, follow Development installation. Documents are maintained inside /docs folder and built from dev-docs branch, occasionally merged to master branch; in sync with Gitbook



Release Notes