h2020-westlife-eu / wp6-repository

MIT License
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Reference implementation of a repository that supplies suitable metadata to the portal. This is developed within work package WP6 by the West-Life H2020 project running from 2015 to 2018. It provides application level services usable for structural biology use cases and follows the structural biology data lifecycle. Data management work package WP6 build on existing infrastructure for storing and accessing data. Full documentation is rendered in HTML docs or PDF docs

Test installation

If you don't have vagrant and/or virtualbox, download and install vagrant tool and Virtualbox. Tested on Vagrant (1.9.6) and VirtualBox (5.1.30)

{% hint style='info' %} (Optionally) In order to integrate with West-Life SSO, you need your sp-metadata,idp-metadata,sp_key and sp_cert files. These are newly generated for each installation. If you have it from previous installation, then put it next to the VagrantFile - these will be reused instead of generating new one

Edit the bootstrap.sh file and change values of variables to your hostname and registered identification with West-Life SSO.


{% endhint %}

Execute following in your command line:

git clone https://github.com/h2020-westlife-eu/wp6-repository.git
cd wp6-repository
vagrant up

If new sp-metadata.xml was generated, send it to westlife-aai@ics.muni.cz in order to enable authentication via West-Life AAI.

After successful finish. The VM is prepared, the port 8080 is automatically forwarded to VM's port 80. To connect to VM using SSH vagrant ssh The backend DB is using randomly generated access credentials at /etc/westlife/repository.key

You may source this file by using

source /etc/westlife/repository.key

You may restart the backend service by

sudo service westlife-repository restart

See further details in the project documentation https://h2020-westlife-eu.gitbooks.io/virtual-folder-docs/content/repository/

You can build the backend using Maven. If using an IDE you must also install lombok. See for example: https://projectlombok.org/setup/eclipse Unfortunately the installation is not quite right. You must then edit eclipse.ini to give an absolute path.