hCaptcha / HCaptcha-ios-sdk

HCaptcha SDK for iOS
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Carthage compatible Version Platform iOS Xcode Swift Package Manager compatible Build

Add hCaptcha to your project. This library automatically handles hCaptcha's events and returns a validation token, presenting the challenge via a modal if needed.

Warning ⚠️

To secure your application, you need to send the token received here to your backend for server-side validation via the api.hcaptcha.com/siteverify endpoint.


HCaptcha is available through CocoaPods and packaged for Carthage and SPM (Swift Package Manager).

To install it, simply add the following line to your dependencies file:


pod "HCaptcha"
# or
pod "HCaptcha/RxSwift"


github "hCaptcha/HCaptcha-ios-sdk"

Carthage will create two different frameworks named HCaptcha and HCaptcha_RxSwift, the latter containing the RxSwift extension for the HCaptcha framework.

Known issues:


Standard SPM formula: uses Package.swift


Platform Requirements
iOS :white_check_mark: >= 12.0
WatchOS :heavy_multiplication_x:


hCaptcha sitekeys can be specified as Info.plist keys or can be passed as parameters when instantiating HCaptcha().

For the Info.plist configuration, add HCaptchaKey (sitekey) and HCaptchaDomain (with a protocol, i.e. https://) to your Info.plist.

With these values set, run:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    hcaptcha?.configureWebView { [weak self] webview in
        webview.frame = self?.view.bounds ?? CGRect.zero

func validate() {
    hcaptcha?.validate(on: view) { [weak self] (result: HCaptchaResult) in
        print(try? result.dematerialize())

Note: in case you need to show hCaptcha above UIVisualEffectView make sure to pass visualEffectView.contentView instead visualEffectView. Per Apple's documentation:

After you add the visual effect view to the view hierarchy, add any subviews to the contentView property of the visual effect view. Do not add subviews directly to the visual effect view itself.

More details here.

If you prefer to keep the information out of the Info.plist, you can instead use:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(
    apiKey: "YOUR_HCAPTCHA_KEY", 
    baseURL: URL(string: "YOUR_HCAPTCHA_DOMAIN")!



You can also install the reactive subpod and use it with RxSwift:

hcaptcha.rx.validate(on: view)
    .subscribe(onNext: { (token: String) in
        // Do something

Note: caller code is responsible for hiding the WebView after challenge processing. This is illustrated in the Example app, and can be achieved with:

  1. Regular Swift API:

    var captchaWebView: WKWebView?
    hcaptcha?.configureWebView { [weak self] webview in
       self?.captchaWebView = webview
    hcaptcha.validate(on: view) { result in
  2. RxSwift API (check the example for more details):

    hcaptcha?.configureWebView { [weak self] webview in
       webview.tag = "hCaptchaViewTag"
    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    let validate = hcaptcha.rx.validate(on: view)
       .map { [weak self] _ in
       .subscribe(onNext: { webview in
       .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Setting the host override (optional)

Since this SDK uses local resources, you may want to set a host override for better tracking and enforcement of siteverify parameters.

You can achieve this by passing the extra param host:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(
    host: "your-domain.com",


Note: this should be the bare host, i.e. not including a protocol prefix like https://.

Change widget theme

The SDK supports three built-in themes: light, dark, and contrast

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(
    theme: "dark", // "light" or "contrast"


For Enterprise sitekeys we also support custom themes via the customTheme parameter, described below.

Alternate endpoint (optional)

If you are an Enterprise user with first-party hosting access, you can use your own endpoint (i.e. verify.your.com).

You can then enable it in your code:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(
    endpoint: URL("https://custom.endpoint")!,


More params for Enterprise (optional)

Enterprise params like:

Can be passed via HCaptcha(...)

Please see the hCaptcha Enterprise documentation for more details.

Enabling the visible checkbox flow

This iOS SDK assumes by default that you want an "invisible" checkbox, i.e. that triggering the hCaptcha flow from within your app should either return a token or show the user a challenge directly.

If you instead want the classic "normal" or "compact" checkbox behavior of showing a checkbox to tick and then either closing or showing a challenge, you can pass size to the HCaptcha initializer.

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(size: .compact)

And you will now get the desired behavior.

Using landscape instead of portrait orientation

The orientation argument can be set either .portrait or .landscape orientation to adjust challenge modal behavior.

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(orientation: .landscape)

By default, orientation is portrait and does not reflow.

However, if you have an app used exclusively in landscape mode (e.g. a game) then you can also switch the challenge UI to match this design choice.

SDK Events

This SDK allows you to receive interaction events, for your analytics via the onEvent method. At the moment the SDK supports:

You can implement this with the code below:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(...)
hcaptcha.onEvent { (event, data) in
    if event == .open {
    } else if event == .error {
        let error = data as? HCaptchaError
        print("onEvent error: \(String(describing: error))")

For RxSwift:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(...)
    .subscribe { [weak self] rxevent in
        let event = rxevent.element?.0

        if event == .open {

Disable new token fetch on expiry

By default the SDK will automatically fetch a new token upon expiry once you have requested a token via validate. This behavior can be adjusted by passing resetOnError: false to the validate call:

hcaptcha.validate(on: view, resetOnError: false) { result in

Change hCaptcha frame

If you are customizing display beyond the defaults and need to resize or change the hCaptcha layout, for example after a visual challenge appears, you can use the following approach to trigger a redraw of the view:

let hcaptcha = try? HCaptcha(...)
var visualChallengeShown = false
hcaptcha?.configureWebView { [weak self] webview in
    webview.tag = "hCaptchaViewTag"
    if visualChallengeShown {
        let padding = 10
        webview.frame = CGRect(
            x: padding,
            y: padding,
            width: view.frame.size.width - 2 * padding,
            height: targetHeight - 2 * padding
    } else {
        webview.frame = self?.view.bounds ?? CGRect.zero
hcaptcha.onEvent { (event, data) in
    if event == .open {
        visualChallengeShown = true
    } else if event == .error {
        let error = data as? HCaptchaError
        print("onEvent error: \(String(describing: error))")
hcaptcha.validate(on: view, resetOnError: false) { result in
    visualChallengeShown = false

SwiftUI Example

HCaptcha was originally designed to be used with UIKit. But you can easily use it with SwiftUI as well. Check out the SwiftUI Example

Objective-C Example

HCaptcha can be used from Objective-C code. Check out the Example Project

Compiled size: impact on including in your app

HCaptcha pod size: 140 KB as of Jan 2024. You can always see the latest number in the CI logs by searching for the "pod size" string.

Known issues


HCaptcha is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Q. I'm getting a "Could not load embedded HTML" exception. What does this mean?

A. Most likely you have not included an asset in your build. Please double-check assets, and see the example app for more details.

Q. I'm getting "xcconfig: unable to open file" after upgrading the SDK. (Or changing SDK and running Example app.)

A. In your app or the Example app dir, run pod deintegrate && pod install to refresh paths.

Q: The challenge modal is displayed, but I can't interact with it. How do I fix this?

A: There are several ways this can happen:


Originally forked from fjcaetano's ReCaptcha IOS SDK, licensed under MIT.