.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/hMatoba/piexifjs.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/hMatoba/piexifjs .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/js/piexifjs.svg :target: http://badge.fury.io/js/piexifjs
Read and modify exif. Library to modify exif in JS(both client-side and Node.js). http://piexifjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
We are implementing v2.0. This version would include a few big changes. If you won't ready to use, don't update this library.
npm install piexifjs@1.0.4
Thank you for using piexifjs!
var exifObj = piexif.load(jpegData)
- Get exif data as object. jpegData must be a string that starts with "\data:image/jpeg;base64,"(DataURL), "\xff\xd8", or "Exif".var exifStr = piexif.dump(exifObj)
- Get exif as string to insert into JPEG.piexif.insert(exifStr, jpegData)
- Insert exif into JPEG. If jpegData is DataURL, returns JPEG as DataURL. Else if jpegData is binary as string, returns JPEG as binary as string.piexif.remove(jpegData)
- Remove exif from JPEG. If jpegData is DataURL, returns JPEG as DataURL. Else if jpegData is binary as string, returns JPEG as binary as string.Use with File API or Canvas API.
.. code:: html
<input type="file" id="files" />
<script src="https://github.com/hMatoba/piexifjs/raw/master/js/piexif.js" />
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
var file = evt.target.files[0];
var zeroth = {};
var exif = {};
var gps = {};
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.Make] = "Make";
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.XResolution] = [777, 1];
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.YResolution] = [777, 1];
zeroth[piexif.ImageIFD.Software] = "Piexifjs";
exif[piexif.ExifIFD.DateTimeOriginal] = "2010:10:10 10:10:10";
exif[piexif.ExifIFD.LensMake] = "LensMake";
exif[piexif.ExifIFD.Sharpness] = 777;
exif[piexif.ExifIFD.LensSpecification] = [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]];
gps[piexif.GPSIFD.GPSVersionID] = [7, 7, 7, 7];
gps[piexif.GPSIFD.GPSDateStamp] = "1999:99:99 99:99:99";
var exifObj = {"0th":zeroth, "Exif":exif, "GPS":gps};
var exifStr = piexif.dump(exifObj);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var inserted = piexif.insert(exifStr, e.target.result);
var image = new Image();
image.src = inserted;
image.width = 200;
var el = $("<div></div>").append(image);
document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
No dependency. Piexifjs just needs standard JavaScript environment.
Both client-side and server-side. Standard browsers(Tested on IE11, Opera28, and PhantomJS) and Node.js.
Give me details. Environment, code, input, output. I can do nothing with abstract.
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.