haacked / ai-demo

Demo of Open AI with ASP.NET Blazor
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Haacked Woundrous AI Web DEMO

This is a demo of using Open AI in a Blazor Web application.


You'll need to create an account on https://chat.openai.com/.

Once you have an account, you'll need to create an API key.

Then you'll need to set the following user secrets:

script/user-secrets set OpenAI:ApiKey $OpenAI_ApiKey

And set up the following environment variables:

OpenAI_OrganizationId={Your org id}

This also requires setting up a GitHub OAuth App for authentication.

And to enable others to participate, I'm using ngrok: http://bit.ly/haack-ai (redirects to https://devoted-upright-bluejay.ngrok-free.app/) to expose my local web server to the internet.

This also requires setting up a GitHub OAuth App for authentication.

You can point that app to https://localhost:7047/signin-github for the callback URL.

To enable others to participate, I'm using ngrok: http://bit.ly/haack-ai (redirects to https://devoted-upright-bluejay.ngrok-free.app/) to expose my local web server to the internet. If you want to do the same, make sure to set the following environment variable:

GitHub_Host={Your ngrok host name}


This app is built on .NET Aspire. To run the app, select AIdemo.AppHost and hit play (F5).


This project is set up using Central NuGet Package Management.

I also ran dotnet user-secrets init --project src/AIDemo.Web/AIDemo.Web.csproj from the repository root to initialize the user secrets.