hackclub / link-tree

🌳 Link in bio, hacker style.
10 stars 9 forks source link

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Hack Club's Instagram Link Tree

What is Hack Club?

Hack Club is a global, nonprofit network of high school makers & student-led coding clubs. This repository is where we store our Workshops, which are self-led learn-to-code tutorials, as well as our Code of Conduct.

We’re an entirely open source organization—our website to even our finances are public. It’s backed by everyone from Elon Musk to the co-founder of GitHub, Tom Preston-Werner.

Contributing to Hack Club

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request with code changes, or open issues for suggestions or bug reports. In order to properly contribute first check out our Contribution Guidelines which contains a set of guidelines which any contributions to any Hack Club repository must follow.

To make things easier on how to select a project to work on, we have made an open source website that helps with the process!

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us at team@hackclub.com or on our Slack.

  1. Check out our public issues board. If your issue isn't on the board, open a new one.
  2. Pick an issue that nobody has claimed and start working on it. First-time contributors should look for the "first-timers-only" label on issues.
  3. Fork the project (Need help forking a project?). You’ll do all of your work on your forked copy.
  4. Create a branch specific to the issue or feature you are working on. Push your work on that branch (Need help with branching?).
  5. Name the branch something like fixes-xxx-issue or add-xxx-feature where xxx is a short description of the changes or feature you are adding.
  6. Once your code is ready, submit a pull request from your branch to Hack Club's main branch. We'll do a quick review and give you feedback.


TL;DR: All content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. All code is released under the MIT License. For the license's full text and attributions, please see LICENSE.