hackforla / CivicTechJobs

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CTJ: Monthly All Hands Team Meeting Agenda #16

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened 3 years ago

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 3 years ago


This issue tracks the agenda for our weekly meetings

Issue Template

## [Date ]  Meeting Agenda

### Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] #

### Recurring items: Happens on the ________ meeting
 - [ ] review any issues that are in the [new issue approval column]
 - [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
    - [ ] Review assignments for each Team member
       - [ ] [Lu](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/fenglugithub) - UX/UI Designer Lead
       - [ ] [Carmen](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/CarmenMM1) - UX/UI Designer
       - [ ] [Peter](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/TimiPeters) - UX/UI Designer
       - [ ] [Karen](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/kcoronel) - Senior Advisor
       - [ ] [Kanika](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/kchotani) - Product Manager
       - [ ] [Nooria Ali](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/nooriaali9) - Project Manager 
       - [ ] [Manju](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/itsmanjuchawla) - UX/UI Research
       - [ ] [Leah](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/Leah0996) - UX/UI Researcher
       - [ ] [Xiaotian Vivian Li](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/xxl228) - UX/UI Research Lead
       - [ ] [Bitian](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/bzzz-coding) - Dev. Co-lead
       - [ ] [Jimmy](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/JimmyJuarez10) - Dev. Co-lead
       - [ ] [Benny](https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/assigned/bennyv8) - Developer

- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
- [ ] review issues with [epic label] and define how to break down further
- [ ] Review to see if there are any members to Onboard or Offboard 
      - [ ]  #

### New Items
- [ ] 
- [ ] Carry over Items to next meeting that don't get addressed

### FYIs

### Notes from Meeting

### Task Items      

Links to other agenda issues for your team

(so that you can easily post on their agendas items that come up at yours)

Previous Meetings (link to each comment with the date)


06/22/21 09/07/21 09/14/21 09/19/21 09/28/21 10/12/21 10/19/21 11/02/21 11/09/21 11/16/21 11/30/21 12/07/21 12/14/21


01/04/22 01/11/22 01/18/22 01/25/22 02/01/22 02/08/22 02/15/22 02/22/22 03/01/22 03/08/22 03/15/22 03/29/22 04/05/22 04/12/22 04/19/22 04/26/22 05/17/22 05/31/22 06/14/22 07/12/22 Notes from 07/12/22 meeting 07/19/22 07/26/22 08/09/22 08/16/22 08/30/22 09/13/22 10/04/22 11/8/22


01/17/23 02/07/23 02/14/23 02/21/23 02/28/23 3/7/23 3/21/23 3/28/23 4/11/23 4/18/23 4/25/23 5/2/23 5/9/23 5/16/23 5/23/23 5/30/23 [6/6/23)[Leads Meeting] [6/13/23](Meeting Cancelled) 6/20/23 - didn't take place 7/11/23 7/18/23 7/25/23 8/08/23 8/22/23 8/28/23 [9/12/23][https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/16#issuecomment-1716718490] 9/18/23 10/02/23 2023/10/10

salimays commented 1 year ago

[11/8/22] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

salimays commented 1 year ago

[Date ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

salimays commented 1 year ago

[Date ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

salimays commented 1 year ago

2/14/23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Review the visual timeline mainly with Dev

Dev Updates

Ava: Reason we're moving the timeline is that we've lost a lot of capacity, not sure what is in team's capabilities anymore. Will need more developers.

UI/UX Research

UI/UX Design

Coming soon, and copy for what the email will say

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

2/21/23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

None this week.

Recurring items: Happens on the All Hands meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Things to know:

Design systems need to use HackforLA Guidelines - using elements and CSS information Ava and Bonnie decided to table convo- Bonnie did flag convo as urgent because of the work going into the design system roadmap, have Jen join the convo re: path forward (what's worked and what hasn't)

Feedback from designs walkthrough (focused on the view of PM creating a job post) Love designs- but for section of project managers posting (which is private) the designs need to be a stripped down for the MVP, we need to make sure it works

From Jen: We were considering two flows- one is dashboard - we can simplify, but we were thinking about the future From Bonnie: It is nice to see roles at a glance or to filter for what team the role is, this and analytics can be prioritized for post MVP,

When considering having a place to see postings that are archived i.e. a PM wants to "revive" an old post, or want to have dashboard from research Ava: archived - would mean that database would have to be stored,

Project info- will be taken from website - will need to discuss this - there are specific titles within the CoP project boards, these should be drop-downs as well - different kind of input fields, will keep in mind

Meeting information - coming from VRMS- there will a series of radio. List of meetings , list of meetings multiple radio i.e. must attend, should attend, could attend or observe, etc. Must attend and should attend will show based on a users availability Viewer will see times listed in their own time zone mandatory/ not mandatory meetings - look at HackforLA website meeting schedule descriptor or 1-liner under the headings of Mandatory, Recommended, Optional, Not at all? bring back meetings notes and make it per meeting

Contact info for who to contact - have person name and say reach to me at team slack (posting wouldn't have to show this since Ava will be pulling info from website) - for MVP we will just have something be a part of the posting should have a text limit - look at existing job postings - what's the longest we have currently? List number of characters left

For experience level - have a convo around this since it is subjective Developer Screen Test- would need something like this so that we can properly assess skill level, plus be able to assess folks for leadership positions, etc. Chat with Sara Brady about this and how we might set-it-up for someone to get the right person with the role.

In the meantime - will be on a tool-kit - how we determine level Level 1,2,3 is okay but nothing like junior, etc. UX researcher team - to discover how to make this correctly Share findings with Bonnie

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

2/28/23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the All Hands meeting

New Items


Tasks from last week (we can discuss if this is necessary):

Notes from Meeting


MVP will now include CMS, previously we were 2/3 of the way through and our estimate for MVP launch was to be mid-April. Can't give solid estimate because would need to see a few things:

Timeline: 1/ On track to finish part 1 of MVP by mid April (no CMS) 2/ Finish back-end completely with CMS support 3/ CMS Sprinkle testing (user, stress, etc.) within the timeline, we are probably looking at July/August

Dependencies: Finalized Coming Soon Page wireframes - will be testing, getting results earlier is better Conversations with People Depot (depend on data) - how to align our timeline with their timeline

Questions: What was the reason for adding CMS to MVP? Doesn't fit stakeholder needs, without CMS - would be a big problem to edit and delete postings, and didn't want to try a half-solution.


Timeline: 1/ Coming Soon page - almost done, will take off email address subscription button. Will add screenshots in the issue.
2/ CMS - iterating on Bonnie's feedback on wireframes for people to post a job but will change depending on data Blocked on knowing what data will be coming in, so that they know how to design the fields - makes a huge impact. Once data is received, team will need about 2 weeks (but will be able to give a solid date after data is received)

Backlog - design system elements - cleaning that up

Suggestion from Jen, not to make the self-test a requirement for MVP - team is in agreement


Timeline: 1/ CMS is team priority - get a better understanding of data that is in back-end system - will help shape low to high fidelity process 2/ Move forward with usability testing for PM's and leads

Team discussion

Detailed description of the titles from the various CoP - can find this in the GitHub CoP

Team agrees that HackforLA could use some guidance/mentorship around job titles and descriptions - however we can also move forward with what we have currently from the CoP boards

If we have an organizational - standardized version - UXR team can have a convo around these - "standard job descriptions we've created and the UXR team can come up with an activity" Organizational knowledge vs. Community of Practice Knowledge

Resource: (Engineering CoP Board)[https://github.com/hackforla/engineering/projects/2#card-53859820]

Data discussion

People Depot contacted Ava - ready to gather stakeholder requirements, what are our product needs and bring it to them (Opportunity data)[https://github.com/hackforla/CivicTechJobs/issues/220#issuecomment-1445241962]

Do we agree this is the data we need? --> ask at next week's meeting

Us: meeting time meeting type

People Depot: Project data

VRMS: meeting times

Will need to confirm the data we need from people data - people depot will set the standard for experience level we will figure out whether they are a level. Do they have 1,2,3 for differentiation/supplemental information - would be a whole series of interviews, documents to better understand how they came about those different levels/ what standards are we measuring it on.

Gabe- design question - changing or clarifying why we're choosing to have the data managed as [not_attend, could_attend, should_atttend]


-Clean up Google Drive

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

3/7/23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the All Hands meeting

New Items


Tasks from last week (we can discuss if this is necessary):

Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

3/21/23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the All Hands meeting

New Items


Need to get okay from Bonnie to use URL for our Coming soon page Need to get clarity on number of hours volunteers are expected to volunteer PM's are updating the format of current requirements list, will review with Bonnie

Tasks from a few weeks ago (we can discuss if this is necessary):

Notes from Meeting

Hand-off for design dashboard

Ava recapped convo with People Depot, project sign in (won't happen), individuals will have own login i.e Karen is a lead and has a login and would be able to make postings, a new member will have a login but won't have permissions to post. Question for our team --> How tied is our flow to project login (in design)? Melinda- how will People Depot keep track? At this time, People Depot would need to keep track of project permissions, and we would also be reliant on them making changes hoping that we can negotiate to make changes ourselves CTJ will be sole determiners of roles and owners of this data i.e. if we want to make up a new role, we could do this We will be importing the role information into People Depot (will serve as cloud owner) but we will decide on content

Curious - in terms of standardization, how will this look? When talking about role descriptions - how will this be implemented in CMS as a product. How to check that we are presenting as accurate as possible information for volunteers? How are we presenting things that serve organization as a whole and is cohesive.

Translate skills matrix to the product. Disconnect between what Bonnie wants and what PMs and Leads want (easy posting) - informed by current PMs and leads.

For CMS - organizational perspective needs of PMs and Leads and also the perspective of new volunteers. CMS to serve PM and leads- we have insights for what they need Putting too much emphasis on volunteers and not on PMs and Leads people are on so many different journey's more confidence and better at information disempenitation

Push back on Skills - after releasing and iterate as we go These are conversations for v1 and on

Dev - can't have healthy dev process if these changes keep happening

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

Meeting was canceled

## 3/28/23 Meeting Agenda

### Prework to prep for meeting - None

### Recurring items: Happens on the All Hands meeting - [ ] review any issues that are in the [new issue approval column] - [ ] Accountability and Support Check. - [ ] Review assignments for each Team member - [ ] Jen

### New Items ~~- [ ] UI/UX Design to share their selected CMS Designs

### FYIs Need to get clarity on number of hours volunteers are expected to volunteer

~~Tasks from a few weeks ago (we can discuss if this is necessary):

### Notes from Meeting

### Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

04-11-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the Tuesday All Team meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Bonnie - trying to make recruitment of team easier and not as long i.e. team need a logo - someone interested in doing logo studies, more to line up the actual work with the people seeking, and doesn't rely on arbitrary titles, tracking to CTJ, and tracking whether folks are gaining the skills.

Skills Matrix - opportunity for job seeker to fill out the boxes and hopefully with this feature it will carve the path for us in the future, to have an open door policy with volunteers, they can come back, and volunteer their skills.

Right now, Google calling a job one thing, and other companies calling it something else. Example: At GitHub, asked public goods folks to participate and all wanted community manager to do something different. LinkedIn is a good example of a product that is looking at title but also looking at the rest of your experience Hack for LA - moving away from a non-maintainable thing (job titles) and now to a more maintainable thing

Q from Melinda: Who will have ownership of maintaining this skills matrix?

From Melinda- because this (skills matrix) isn't a current behavior, it is hard for research to understand if this matrix will actually support making PM jobs easier

Bonnie - trying to reduce organizational attrition. Benefit for data analysis of skills volunteer come with and how skills improve -- funding to the organization. Not only risk of attrition of volunteer but the sustainability of a project- would rather have the project

Q: From Karen - how to discover skills Design skills matrix was created by someone from CoP and Bonnie, she took skills from the intro issue for the Design CoP

List of Roles Created at Hack for LA -- old

List of HfLA Program Areas

Timeline for when skills and experience matrix will be complete: (more details in #383)

CTJ will be responsible for vetting with CoP and leads (because leads sometimes don't attend these meetings) CoP link to leads - will need to ask to be on agenda Each project has a lead on the Hack for LA - Bonnie can get a list of projects

Lead - lowest need of qualification Volunteer - highest of qualification

Q from Jen: What will the cards look like if Skills are replacing Roles/titles? Replaced with the program areas listed above

Q from Jen: Are we “grouping” skills to create levels? And that will be shown on the card? How do we define levels/name them to be inclusive but give enough info to accurately assign peoples’ skills to tasks/jobs?

Q from Jen: How will we actually match the skills users fill out to what a TL/PM want? How complicated will this be for Engs in BE? Not one to one match, but more like a scale (Poster: I will take x expertise, x exposure) (Job Seeker:

Q from Jen: Also I envision Skill self-evaluation added to Qualifier page then Search results page shows users matches… does this make sense in terms of IA? Would still have calendar from original designs, placement is decision of team

If availability and skillset don't match - maybe don't show them calendar, or maybe do, Bonnie is asking CTJ team to figure it out.

Q from Ava: Will the skills matrix include valuable soft skills? Guide other people to find things that they don't know about themselves. Hopefully would have them try to gain skills.

Another emergent requirement due to liability and insurance is that HfLA projects will need to comply with national and international privacy laws.

Task Items

salimays commented 1 year ago

April 18 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the Tuesday meeting

New Items

Here are some items to review and brainstorm together tomorrow:

We’re so close to the end, using the CTJ Requirements Google Doc we still need to do the following, for the

Landing Page:

Search Page

Questions for teams. The goal is to create a minimum structure for the skills matrix and build up on it in future iterations.





Notes from Meeting

Talking about time-frames with the Skills Matrix added to the MVP Design will need the research and research will begin to get the ball rolling on what testing the skills matrix will look like 2 years - how much things will have to be negotiated and re-negotiated

Does Bonnie have an idea for how long this will take?

MVP - landing page done, qualifier, and search page done(3-months) -- can get this done and test out - something tangible and a good stepping stone to CMS (TBD- will need to see after designs) and then Skills Matrix (TBD).

Will record session next week -- Design team will present CMS designs

When website is up (in staging) - research team should start thinking about a test plan (in 3-months) let dev know what is needed from them. Beth to loop in Genggeng and Melinda, will slack them on with Dev team.

Task Items

salimays commented 1 year ago

04-25-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the April 25th meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting


Researched key skills and key words for each role Bonnie: the skills matrix is fed by the PMs, Devops, Engineering and Data Science will feed it shortly. What we need is each practice area to look at job postings. Take 5 design jobs and throw them into a bag of words. Use chat gpt. What words show up and don't show up in these postings. We need to round it out. We could forward with these lists as they are to design something to market. We can manually edit any change coming from the practice area leads.


We have the layout from the research and design. Iterating the style for selection. For the CMS, we have a month of work. Bonnie solved Jen’s question around the Slack contact: just the channel of the team. If somebody posts a role and leave, it’s better to have it be the channel. It should be pre populated. And regarding the skills matrix > role title experience and skills.

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

05-02-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the Tuesday meeting

New Items


Bonnie asked to go thru recent job postings to make sure we aren't leaving anything out from Design, Research, Engineering CoP postings. Beth has completed this.



Qualifier page - skills are a long list (how will skills should be categorized, or should they be alphabetical- can research weigh in on this?) - Salima, A-Z good starting point, because categorizing may take too long right now

Currently making iterations to CMS, will be able to show next week what team has for it.

Tin - use casing for wording and fixed height Lu - adjusting the summary page for user, after research

Will prioritize CMS designs (based on Ava and dev team component) CMS progress bar component is different than one on qualifier page - use same stepper and change on qualifier page - Dev would like to re-use components to make it easier to code

What is being shipped to dev: 1/ Text field 2/ Overall card 3/ Stepper / progress bar component 4/ Drop-down field 5/ Mobile (have to make sure our margins are what would be the normal card that we have on the design system) 6/ Figuring out if we need sidebar, may be able to keep at top bar - still discussing

Timeline: 3-weeks



Dependency -- need Bonnie to give Google Domain name - if she wants to do alone, will need to meet with OPS to get this done -- this is imp. for us to set up staging for testing - KAREN TO ASK BONNIE

Ava will be pushing dev to work on some more of the MVP work

Beth asked Ava for a meeting - when Melinda is back, schedule convo between Dev and Research Testing should be based on search results we have so far without CMS


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

5-9-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the All-Team Tuesday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

CMS Dashboard reqs - presented by Gabe Recording: May-09-23 Meeting_CMS Dashboard (questions for Bonnie) iteration went from dashboard showing applications with roles, project, responses, and date created + a header with a number of applications from each CoP

2nd iteration went from dashboard showing name, role, skill matrix match, and date applied

Question for Bonnie: What are the differences between Admin dashboard vs. a project managers

Service map between the user at a high level 1/ some brigades have application process - and will want a name of applicants 2/ at Hack for LA, we do not have an application process, so may not need/want applicant name

Bonnie, do not want slack handle of job poster to be visible to applicant, but she would like the job poster to see the slack handles of applicants so that we do not need to email them.

Agree that would probably want to see the number of people applying for a role, AND PM, may want to see all open roles on the project, not only by CoP

Not seeing a view where PM can see people who have applied to a role

Capacity of how many people PM can take onto the project? - How would this be calculated?

Bonnie - think about what happens to the dashboard when VRMS gets a front-end developer, they fill the role, or do these things disappear when role is filled. Bonnie - a service map may be helpful, where we can list what is MVP and what would be for future iterations, but a service map may be able to share with us what the user will experience and how features and functions are related to one another.

Challenging part- Bonnie likes the way that the skills are laid out in the Self Skill Evaluation Figma wireframe Design team could decide for applicant - show them CoP Or can let applicant choose the CoP, we can maybe recommend it

When post role, going to say this role requires a combo of pm and design skills, we want to take it out of the hands of PM /job poster, and leave it to the algorithm so that it isn't posted in more than one CoP

Bonnie, CoP more relevant to onboarding, utility perspective, CoP doesn't matter as much

Ava - do not use the external use of our product as a guidepoint for our decisions right now

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

5-16-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the All-Team Tuesday meeting

New Items






Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

5-23-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the All-Team Tuesday meeting

New Items




Matt - going through Cheveron skill issue Bitian - created a page and submitted pull request. This week will review Matt's pull request

Blocked on credit page



Notes from Meeting

The team talked about updating the roadmap and discussing future directions. The design team shared their progress on the CMS and qualifier page, including designing the homepage and skill matrix. They mention the need for metrics and testing the qualifier page. Matt talks about working on the chevron scroll component and reviewing the credits page, which is pending approval. Bitian praises the design team's work and mentions his plans to review Matt's pull request and work on a research issue. The meeting concludes, and participants are given the option to stay or leave, with breakout rooms available for further discussion if needed.

Task Items

salimays commented 1 year ago

[05-30-23 ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on all team Tuesday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Notes for Ava: From Melinda - Test environment Link: Staging Website A/B testing may be difficult - because we can't stand another exact replica Accessibility testing - suggestion from Melinda

Dev-quality control for entire team

Quality control pipeline - monthly review of what Dev has done, better and more rapid feedback

Design team - go over staging site - click through and make sure things work!

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

[06-20-23] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on all team Tuesday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

07-11-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Round robin of introductions Name, Team Role, Calling From, Favorite Summer Activity

Recurring items: Happens on the Tuesday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Design team

Research team

Dev team

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

7-18-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 year ago

7-25-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the Tuesday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 12 months ago

08-08-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items

~- [ ] Design team to share designs~ -- postponed for next week or following week


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 11 months ago

for next CTJ agenda, ask team if they would like to use zoom for their meetings

joyceguo99 commented 11 months ago

08-22-23 Meeting Agenda

Roll Call

Nga Bitian Joyce Jenn Jen Leah Matt Will


Team Project Progress Check-in

What are the in progress projects/features for your team and what's the expected finish time?

What are some future projects/features in planning?

Design team presentation through CMS login - decided we could use Google Calendar API to gather project team meeting times (as to not have to rely with VRMS or People Depot)


What does collaboration look like for folks? I.e. Does Dev need spec docs (turning a Figma file into more engineering terms or tasks); currently see designs from team and build component from team Deciding what to build next? Look at Figma file and decide what to build on from there? General process, getting together during Dev meetings and figuring out what to do next.

Is there something that can be improved? Not at this time.

At 28:00 min @jenchuu begins to share Design team's CMS designs Recording is here


CTJ Roadmap




blulady commented 11 months ago

@joyceguo99 I am sad I missed the meeting today, I heard it was recorded. Could you post the link?

kcoronel commented 11 months ago

@blulady check out the recording here

ghost commented 11 months ago

August 28, 2023 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ghost commented 10 months ago

September 12 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 10 months ago

09-18-2023 Meeting Agenda


Team Updates

Notes from Meeting

kcoronel commented 10 months ago

OOO vacation dates for team members (taken from Slack): Tin: Sept 12- Oct 2nd Bitian: Sep 20 - Oct 10 (Team lead) Benny: Sep. 13 - Oct. 4 Matt: September 17 - Oct 6 (Team lead) Jen Chung: I’m on vacation Oct 17 - Nov 1 (Team lead) J-Wu: September 30 - November 3rd (Team lead)

kcoronel commented 10 months ago

October 3, 2023 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ghost commented 9 months ago

2023-10-10 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Team Updates

New Items

ghost commented 9 months ago

2023-10-17 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Team Updates

New Items

kcoronel commented 8 months ago

Reposting from Bonnie in our CTJ Slack: We will be able to help people fill their skills gaps using our skills matrix. Read this article for context on why that’s moving us to the future of hiring in the job market. https://fortune.com/2023/11/03/gen-z-resume-work-skills-based-hiring-recruitment-research/amp/

kcoronel commented 8 months ago

November 14 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the monthly Tuesday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

We need to meet about Qualifier pages to be unblocked for skill matrix. And we will be splitting and working on mobile designs Insights from UXR team research with the design team, and working on J-Wu connecting with Melinda to co-lead Bitian - updating credit page - using Tail Wind for industry standard, redo-ing page to make it more responsive Matt - trying to troubleshoot MK Docs issue Benny - added cookie banner component, Bitian reviewing new pull request regarding policy page Alex - trying to figure out issue regarding GitHub Action, went to People Depot meeting, confirmed we wanted to create our own personal backend. Questions, 1/ are we building all API's or use a few from People Depot team 2/ All API's, will it be forever or once People Depot is running, will we have to change (temporary solution or permanent)

Task Items

kcoronel commented 6 months ago

2024-16-01 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Objectives for Civic Tech Jobs in 2024

So far:

Need to do:

Objectives for this month

Recurring items: Happens on the monthly team meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 5 months ago

2024-20-02 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the monthly all-team meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 4 months ago

2024-19-03 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Round of Quick Intros from everyone on the team

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Design priorities:

Future: Content of list - create a prototype for user testing

Dev priorities:




Task Items

kcoronel commented 4 months ago

Carmen - SF/Bay Area, hiking and taking pictures, design team Lu - LA, hiking and tennis, design team Brenda - vancouver, likes to cook and bake and watch soccer, design team Leah - NJ, pottery and getting into yoga, ux researcher Kanika - San Jose, Co-PM, likes to be outdoors, hiking and more biking, trying to bike more frequently, confidence on bike Snigdha - based in Virgina, joining as UX Research lead, looking forward to more time outdoors Bitian - developer, located in LA, gardening, harvesting cherry tomatoes

Hey team, great meeting today! Here is a brief recap of the tasks we discussed. Product:

  1. Create a channel for UX Research and UX Design team members to collaborate on user testing as needed
  2. Share a list of the skill sets and tools that would be utilized by someone who selected the Design Community of Practice (CoP) as their choice.
  3. Share with everyone the MVP user flow (will not include CMS but will take into account cases like "what does user see when they log in to CTJ after creating log-in" (thanks for calling this out Bitian!)


  1. Updating Landing Page to include the Hack for LA logo (@ Lu I created issue #495 to track the work on this), whomever is working on this, please make sure to assign yourself - ty!
  2. If folks need work, I have also created issue #517 and issue #518 that require design updates
  3. Update Dev Handoff Page on Figma to be up to date for our Devs


  1. Schedule weekly sync - notify PM's so that they may update VRMS and calendar
  2. Discovery for Skills Matrix


  1. No immediate tasks.
kcoronel commented 3 months ago

April 23, 2024 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the ____ meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 2 months ago

May 28, 2024 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the monthly All Team meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

kcoronel commented 1 month ago

June 18, 2024 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the Tuesday monthly meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Attendees: Lu, Vivian, Bonnie, Kanika

Updates from Research : They will finalize the usability testing plan over the next month. They will continue to meet once or twice in july ( as needed) to test amongst the team. Testing will resume during the August/September onboarding. Updates from Design: Design is finishing up prototypes for UX Researchers. They will be updating the User Flow - adding a new page at the beginning of the sign up process and updating the language on the homepage asking about onboarding. CMS Design is not a priority at this time and will be worked on once the above designs are completed.

To do:

Task Items