Aggregate job opportunities with homeless service providers so that people can search for a job that fits their skillset.
#### Windows
1. Install chocolatey (
1. Install chocolatey gui (optional)
choco install chocolateygui -y
1. Install git, chromium, chromedriver, vscode, python2, dbeaver, nodejs
choco install git chromium chromedriver vscode python2 dbeaver nodejs -y
1. Install postgresql and set postgres user password
choco install postgresql --params '/Password:password' --params-global -y
1. Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (reference:
1. In the search bar, type "turn windows features on or off" and choose the correct item
1. Scroll down and check the box for Windows Subsystem for Linux
1. Windows will restart to complete the installation
1. Install Ubuntu Linux
1. Open the Microsoft Store and search for "Run Linux on Windows"
1. Install and launch Ubuntu
1. Set up a new linux user account when running for the first time
1. Update and upgrade all packages
1. In a terminal, run (you will need to type in your user password when running sudo)
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
1. Install ChomeDriver
1. Install chocolatey (
1. Install ChomeDriver
choco install chromedriver -y
1. Add a file `chromedriver` to the project directory with this content
chromedriver.exe "$@"
1. Continue to Linux instructions
1. Install Homebrew on Linux (reference:
1. Open a Linux terminal
1. Install dependencies
- Debian-based (Ubuntu)
sudo apt install build-essential curl file git
- Fedora-based
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' && sudo yum install curl file git
1. Install homebrew
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
1. Install packages
`brew install python@2 postgresql sudo apt install chromium-chromedriver -y`
1. Install homebrew (
1. Install packages
`brew install git python@2 postgresql brew cask install chromedriver`
1. Install Visual Studios Code (
1. Install Prettier - Code formatter extension
1. Install DBeaver (, Community Edition
1. Install nvm, node, and npm (reference:
1. Install nvm
curl -o- | bash
1. Install the latest LTS Node.js (
nvm install v10.15.3
1. Download and install Chrome (
1. Setup Postgresql (reference:
1. Start the postgres service
1. Start a terminal app
1. linux (and WSL)
1. Start the service
sudo service postgresql start
1. Setup the postgres user (linux)
1. Start a terminal app
1. Set the password
sudo passwd postgres
1. Type in the password and confirmation
1. Close the terminal
1. Connect to postgres
1. Start a terminal app
1. Switch to the postgres user and start the psql prompt
sudo -u postgres psql
1. If the above doesn't work, do this instead
su - postgres
1. Troubleshooting postgres on WSL (reference:
1. Append this at the end of `/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf`
data_sync_retry = true
1. macOS
1. Start the service
brew services start postgresql
1. Connect to postgres
1. Start a terminal app
1. enter the psql prompt
psql postgres
1. Create the database (reference:
1. Start the psql prompt
1. Issue the command
create database jobsforhope;
1. Create the user
1. Start the psql prompt
1. Issue the command
create user jobsforhope;
1. Check that the user was created
1. Grant user privilege 1. Start the psql prompt 1. Issue the command
`grant all privileges on database jobsforhope to jobsforhope;`
Clone this repo to your local drive.
1. Start a terminal app, such as Ubuntu for Windows Subsystem for Linux 1. Create a src directory in the user's home directory and go in it ``` cd && mkdir src && cd src ``` 1. Clone the repository ``` git clone ```
Change to the jobs-for-hope directory:
cd jobs-for-hope
Install the node server npm depedencies:
npm install
Obtain the .env
file from the slack channel and place it in this directory. It contains private info (i.e., the production database connection string) that we cannot put in this public GitHub repo.
Change to the client directory:
cd client
Install the client (React) dependencies:
npm install
npm start
from the jobs-for-hope directory to start the node server.npm start
from the jobs-for-hope/client directory to start the react app and open the browser.Virtualenv (optional, but will be useful if you eventually want to have multiple python projects)
1. Set up virtualenv
1. Install virtualenv using pip
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
1. cd into project directory
cd jobs-for-hope/backend
1. create the virtualenv
virtualenv venv
1. Specify the python location when creating the virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/path/to/python2.7 venv # use this if the system default is python3
1. Install virtualenv using pip
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
1. Create directory to hold virtual environments
mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs
1. Find out where is located for next step
1. Make `.bash_profile` call `.bashrc` (reference:
1. Add this to `.bash_profile`
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
1. Add to `.bashrc`
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export PATH="/path/to/virtualenvwrapper:$PATH"
1. Start a new terminal session or call `.bashrc`
source ~/.bashrc # activate, just for the first time
1. Create the virtualenv
mkvirtualenv jobs-for-hope
1. Specify the python location when creating the virtualenv
`mkvirtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/path/to/python2.7 jobs-for-hope # use this if the system default is python3`
workon // list the existing virtual environments, blank if none is created
workon jobs-for-hope // activate virtual environment, not needed when first creating the virtualenv
Alternative for systems where python 2.7 is not the default
alternative setup using virtualenvwrapper
Alternative for systems where python 2.7 is not the default
for virtualenvwrapper
Install project dependencies
cd backend
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Setup for the scrapers
file from the slack channel into the backend
for values)
pg_dump -d <database> -h <host> -U <user> -C -f jobsforhope.sql
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d jobsforhope -f jobsforhope.sql
cd backend
python scrapers/