hackforla / tdm-calculator

DTLA Hack for LA is partnering with Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to develop a Traffic Demand Management (TDM) calculator tool. This tool will help planners at LADOT and real estate developers to meet the Los Angeles’s Mobility Plan goals by 2035.
GNU General Public License v2.0
46 stars 27 forks source link

TDM: agenda and notes for leads Thursday meetings (Recurring) #975

Open dddhoang opened 2 years ago

dddhoang commented 2 years ago


Create an agenda for the leads for Saturday meeting

Action Items

## [Date ]  Meeting Agenda

### Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] #890 
- [ ] create slide deck for stakeholder meeting #888
- [ ] Review Slide Deck for Next Stakeholder meeting (on Tuesdays)

### Recurring items: Happens on the PM Thursaday meeting
- [ ] Review assignments for each PM
   - [ ] [Bonnie](https://github.com/hackforla/tdm-calculator/issues/assigned/ExperimentsInHonesty)
   - [ ] [Ebi](https://github.com/hackforla/tdm-calculator/issues/assigned/biuwa)
   - [ ] [Meenakshi](https://github.com/hackforla/tdm-calculator/issues/assigned/Meenakshi)
- [ ] Onboard/Off Board new Volunteers to the Vault
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
- [ ] review issues with [epic label](https://github.com/hackforla/tdm-calculator/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aepic) and define how to break down further

### New Items
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over Items to next meeting that don't get addressed

### FYIs

### Notes from Meeting

### Task Items

Related Issue

jackrinjames commented 2 years ago

10/23/21 Meeting


KPHowley commented 2 years ago

10/23/21 Meeting:

Issues Check in on User testing - #974 Check in on Website Audit - #536 Slide deck for Stakeholder meeting - #888 Clarity on review product license- #755

Other discussion topics -Milestones? -Meeting Formats

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

Slide deck for Stakeholder meeting - #888 Addressing Multiple AINs - Issue from Usability Testing #867


jackrinjames commented 2 years ago

11/6/21 Meeting

Issues Addressing Multiple AINs - Issue from Usability Testing #867


Jane4925 commented 2 years ago

11/13/21 Meeting

UX Audit Questions came from audit process, see spreadsheet

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

Discuss #755 - regarding Fang taking over and giving users 30 days notice before making changes

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

2021-11-13 Lead meeting notes

Items discussed or resolved during meeting

Tasks before the next meeting

Items for next week's agenda

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

[Date ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

1/15/2022 Meeting Agenda

issues from previous week:

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

1/22/22 Meeting Agenda

Prep work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

1/29/2022 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

dposada90 commented 2 years ago

Agenda Items for next meeting:

dposada90 commented 2 years ago

Action items from Saturday talk: To audit list of issues with labels currently assigned and look for relabeling p-feature list Right to be forgotten features (GDPR equivalent): removing profiles, removing saved projects, clearing cookies & personal information Need to add a feature and related issues for self-administration activities: edit profile information, project assignments, etc. Change ownership of the zoom link for Saturday meetings

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

2/12/22 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

2/19/22 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

KPHowley commented 2 years ago

[Date ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago
ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago
Biuwa commented 2 years ago

4/9/22 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 2 years ago

Please add this to this week's agenda and get it done during the meeting

Biuwa commented 2 years ago

4/23/22 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

Review assignments for each PM

New Items

FYIs Notes from Meeting Task Items

Biuwa commented 2 years ago

5/1/22 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

Review assignments for each PM

New Items

FYIs Notes from Meeting Task Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

[Date ] Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Add this issue to next weeks agenda

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

About page has a link to TDM Program Guidelines The URL needs to be replaced with the new URL https://planning.lacity.org/odocument/c3c9b320-4431-49ff-99d2-15b479c06074/Revised_DRAFT_TDMProgramGuidelines_June2022.pdf The wording of the display text should not change, only the link it goes to.

Project level zero (page 3) and the checklist has links to Draft Revised TDM Ordinance The URL needs to be replaced with the new URL https://planning.lacity.org/odocument/bb9114b3-29e3-423f-8b91-027afb242e63/Revised_DRAFT_TDMOrdinance_June2022.pdf The wording of the display text should not change, only the link it goes to.

Also, if there is any other place in the application (such as in tool tips) where it links to the draft ordinance, that also must be changed.

SMR9220 commented 1 year ago

2022-07-16 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

Review assignments for each PM

New Items

FYIs Notes from Meeting Task Items

SMR9220 commented 1 year ago

2022-08-13 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

Review assignments for each PM

New Items

FYIs Notes from Meeting Task Items

SMR9220 commented 1 year ago

2022-08-13 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

Review assignments for each PM

New Items


Notes from Meeting & Task Items

re the faq document.

Jane4925 commented 1 year ago

FAQ page content and design preference testing report to be discussed and reviewed before putting into 10/18/2022 stakeholder meeting slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1d9ikjG6OdJY_oOSEFZ-hI9927UjtuDYWvP-c_GL2K4c/edit#slide=id.gffee5f5b37_0_20

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2022-10-15 Meeting Agenda

Pre-work to prep for the meeting

https://github.com/hackforla/tdm-calculator/issues/890 [ ] [ ] Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

Review assignments for each PM

New Items

Carryover Items to the next meeting that don't get addressed FYIs Notes from Meeting Task Items

SMR9220 commented 1 year ago

2022-11-05 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Task Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

Meeting notes

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2022-11-12 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

New Items

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting


Notes from meeting

After v 2 (2)

Updated the description and added the external links Mockup here: https://www.figma.com/file/nD9QK56Mzq7xNSaSUoeGx0/TDM-Calculator?node-id=5337%3A19456

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

11-19-22 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

-Ebi would update #1028 -Create a new issue for the warning text boxes from #76 -Send the completed slide deck to Bonnie for final review

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

01-07-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

01-14-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

01-21-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

mojimoh commented 1 year ago

01-28-23 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Add to team meeting agenda

mojimoh commented 1 year ago

2023-02-04 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-02-11 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-02-18 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-02-25 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-03-04 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-03-11 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from Meeting

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-03-18 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from the Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-03-25 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items


Notes from the Meeting

Task Items

Ebi will create new issues for:

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-04-08 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

ExperimentsInHonesty commented 1 year ago

Notes from 2023-04-08 meeting

wiki, brand guidelines


Time Sensitive

Relevant for a specific period of time


permanent item, that if updated is very infrequent

Add to next weeks Sat meeting

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023- 04-15 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-04-29 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from Meeting

Task Items

Biuwa commented 1 year ago

2023-05-06 Meeting Agenda

Prework to prep for the meeting

Recurring items: Happens on the PM Saturday meeting

New Items



Notes from the Meeting

Task Items