hackgnar / pyubertooth

Python libraries for Ubertooth
GNU General Public License v2.0
52 stars 18 forks source link


Project Description:

Core PyUbertooth Libraries:

Core PyUbertooth Tools:

Upcoming Milestones:

Core CLI Script: pyubertooth_rx

Sample command line usage:

For usage help:
pyubertooth_rx --help
To log ubertooth data to a file (usable with ubertooth-rx -i filename):
pyubertooth_rx --outfile=dump_filename.dump
To log ubertooth data directly to a file from bluetooth channel 60:
pyubertooth_rx --outfile=dump_filename.dump --channel 60
To log 30 seconds worth of ubertooth data directly to a file :
pyubertooth_rx --outfile=dump_filename.dump -t 30
To log 300 ubertooth usb data packets directly to a file :
pyubertooth_rx --outfile=dump_filename.dump -n 300
To read raw ubertooth usb data from a dump file to std out:
pyubertooth_rx --infile=dump_filename.dump
To display bluetooth packet information from a dump file (LAP, UAP, channel, etc):
pyubertooth_rx --infile=dump_filename.dump --btbb
To display bluetooth packet information from a live stream (LAP, UAP, channel, etc):
pyubertooth_rx --btbb

Sample python library usage:

To open a connection to an ubertooth device:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth
ut = Ubertooth()
To access 5 data blocks from an ubertooth device as a python iterator:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth
ut = Ubertooth()
for data in ut.rx_stream(count=5):
To access data blocks from an ubertooth device as a python iterator for 30 seconds:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth
ut = Ubertooth()
for data in ut.rx_stream(secs=30):
To access data from an ubertooth device until ctrl-C is pressed:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth
ut = Ubertooth()
    for data in ut.rx_stream():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
An example of directly streaming ubertooth data to a file for 60 seconds:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth
ut = Ubertooth()
f = open("dump_filename.dump", 'wb')
for data in ut.rx_stream(secs=60):
Changing the channel on an ubertooth device:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth 
ut = Ubertooth()

Core Library: pylibbtbb/bluetooth_packet.py

Sample python library usage:

To display bluetooth packet data for an ubertooth device stream:
from pyubertooth.ubertooth import Ubertooth() 
from pyubertooth.bluetooth_packet import BtbbPacket
ut = Ubertooth()
for data in ut.rx_stream():

Core Tools: tools/ubertooth_dump.py

To dump data from an ubertooth to a file:

python ubertooth_dump.py dump_filename.dump