hackomscs / hackomscs-next

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Getting Started

Use nvm or nvm-windows to manage runtime. node + yarn versions used are:

node: v20.10.0
yarn: 1.22.21

Steps to set up environment:

1) Install nvm, see https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm

2) nvm install v20.10.0

3) npm install --global yarn@1.22.21

run dev server:

yarn run build
yarn run dev

or on windows: use Node version 20 nvm use 20 npm install npm run dev


  1. Make or pick an issue to work on. If you'd like to contribute on a problem or feature you've thought of yourself, first make an issue, and wait until it receives approval from a site adminstrator. Otherwise, you're free to pick up an existing issue.

  2. Make a branch. Create a git branch with a descriptive name to work on your specific code.

  3. Work on the issue on your branch. Try to modify only files relevant to your issue, and stay away from important folders like /pages if possible. Furthermore, try to adhere to the existing site structure. For example, place raster images in the relevant folder or base level in assets/img, and SVGs in public/svg. If you're working on a discrete component, a great way to preview your component is to make a storyboard to work in.

  4. Ensure there are no errors. An easy way to do this is running yarn build and ensuring no errors prevent the app from building.

  5. Make a pull request. This way, site administrators can look at & test your code before merging it to the main branch to be included on the deployed site.


Special thanks to the HackUTD team for the open source template: HackUTD.co