hackoregon / btc-backend

Backend implemented with a combination of Postgres, OpenResty and Nginx
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Hack Oregon Backend

The Hack Oregon Backend fulfills the tasks involved in 1) procuring campaign finance transaction data from the Oregon Secretary of State, 2) cleaning and reformatting this data, and 3) deliviering the data to REST endpoints as JSON objects, for use by data visualizations on the front end. 4) Finally, the backend was constructed so that it can easily be installed in Vagrant/virtual box or on Amazon Web Services by running a set of bash install scripts constructed.

1) Data procurement / scraping

For documenation of data procurement, see the scraper's README.md here: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/tree/master/orestar_scrape

2) Data processing

For documentation on the data cleaning, data reformatting and database design, see the data processing readme here: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/blob/master/data_processing_readme.md

3) Endpoints

For documentation on endpoints usage, see the endpoint use readme here: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/blob/master/endpoints/endpoint_use_readme.md

For documentation on endpoints construction, see the endpoint construction and installation readme here: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/blob/master/endpoints/endpointInstallation.md

To request additional endpoints please create a git hub issue for them here: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/issues

4) Back end construction and installation

To build an instance of Hack Oregon's back end on your own machine, please see https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/blob/master/backend_installation_readme.md .

Once the back end is installed, there are several helper scripts that can help you run key functionality. Documentation for these scripts can be found here: https://github.com/hackoregon/backend/blob/master/runningTheBackend.md