hackoregon / cookiecutter-hacko-backend

Cookiecutter template for quickstarting a Hack Oregon Backend API
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link


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A cookiecutter template for creating reusable Django REST Framework packages with the best practices quickly. This template is customized to provide structure for quickstarting a Hack Oregon civic data project.

What is Hack Oregon?

Hack Oregon is a rapid prototyping lab taking a creative approach to data projects that bring insight to complex issues in the public interest. We’re a community-powered nonprofit, our teams are made of volunteers, and all the work we do is open source.



This repo uses the Cookiecutter templating project. You will need to install Cookiecutter. The recommended method is by a pip install:

$ pip install cookiecutter


To generate a new repo:

$ cookiecutter gh:hackoregon/cookiecutter-hacko-backend --checkout BRANCH

You can leave out the --checkout BRANCH if checking out from MASTER.

You'll be prompted for some questions, answer them, then it will create a cookiecutter-hacko-backend with your new package.

At this point, you are ready to connect with an external git.

Cookiecutter values

You will be asked the following information when creating a project:

  "full_name": "Your full name here",
  "email": "you@example.com",
  "github_username": "yourname",
  "pypi_project_name": "djangorestframework-package",
  "repo_name": "django-rest-framework-package",
  "app_name": "rest_framework_package",
  "project_short_description": "Your project description goes in here",
  "year": "2015",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "open_source_license": ["MIT", "BSD", "ISCL", "Apache Software License 2.0", "Not open source"]




To run tests on the Cookiecutter generation, please install TOX, which is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool.

TOX is avaiable to install from PyPI via pip:

$ pip install tox

It will automatically create a fresh virtual environment and install our test dependencies, such as pytest-cookies and flake8.

Run the Tests

Tox uses py.test under the hood, hence it supports the same syntax for selecting tests.

For further information please consult the pytest usage docs.

To run all tests using various versions of python in virtualenvs defined in tox.ini, just run tox:

    $ tox

It is possible to test with a specific version of python. To do this, the command is:

    $ tox -e py36

This will run py.test with the python3.6 interpreter, for example.

To run a particular test with tox for against your current Python version:

    $ tox -e py -- -k test_default_configuration