Documents, links, software install scripts and other resources for getting started contributing to Hack Oregon projects
Hack Oregon projects frequently use Python programs to clean, input, transform, analyze, persist, and present data. For persistence, most project start with Postgres and move to other technologies if necessary. Two commonly used Python-based tools are Mini-Conda (an implementation of the Python interpreter) and Jupyter Notebook (a web-based interface for creating, testing, and running Python programs). Below are instructions for installing Python, Postgres, and Jupyter Notebook either by using a virtual machine, or by installing via your native operating system.
To make things easier to install and configure, we have pre-installed all of them into a virtual machine, and provide step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and using this virtual machine. We recommend using this method so that everyone can easily start with a common enviroment for data science (i.e. Jupyter Notebook, Postgres SQL, Python 3) without the hassle of installing and configuring these componenets on separate operating systems (mac, windows, linux).
However, if you wish you may install and configure your data science tooling environment as you please. If you do this, please consider contributing any work you do on tooling (e.g. documentation, configuration, library usage/install, customization, tooling development, etc) back to Hack Oregon. Please contact if you would like to get involved in doing such tooling work.
Click here to view instructions for installing, configuring, and using a virtual machine
Note that with the installation instructions given above, it's unnecessary to do any of the install described in these tutorials.
These will primarily be useful to those that wish to add to/contribute to the Hack Oregon tool chain development