hackseq / 2016_project_6

Inferring sex chromosome and autosomal ploidy in NGS data
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Inferring sex chromosome and autosomal ploidy in NGS data

Slide show here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OB2d_mu5zC742N_NKfzHjVpUm4BFtm5lUzniLLI--OQ/edit?usp=sharing

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List of Goals: Assess X/Y ploidy and correct for misalignment

  1. Extract input chromosomes - recommend chrX, chrY, chr19 - from BAM (can input any autosome)

  2. Infer sex chromosome ploidy from WGS data relative to autosomal ploidy

    • XX
    • XY
    • XXY
    • X0
    • And all other combinations Use A. Quality B. Read Depth C. Allele Balance D. Ampliconic/Palindromic/CNV filter

    Typical expectations for heterozygous calls under different sex chromosome complements:

    Genotype X_call Y_call
    XX het none
    XY hap hap
    X0 hap none or partial_hap
    XXY het or hap hap
    XYY hap hap
    XXX het none

    Note: Half of 47,XXY are paternal in origin -> do not expect het sites: http://humupd.oxfordjournals.org/content/9/4/309.full.pdf

    Expectations for depth under different sex chromosome complements:

    Genotype X_depth Y_depth
    XX 2x 0x
    XY 1x 1x
    X0 1x 0x (or partial)
    XXY 2x 1x
    XYY 1x 2x
    XXX 3x 0x
  3. IF - If we infer there are no Y chromosomes in the sample, conduct re-mapping to increase confidence in X-linked alleles. Strip reads from X and Y Remap all X & Y reads to the X chromosome only Remove X and Y from the input BAM file Merge the empty Y and the remapped X chromosome into the BAM

  4. Assessment of 1000 genomes high coverage data Compare SNV and CNV variant calling in 1000 genomes high coverage before/after running this pipeline Test how different alignment algorithms, parameters, and reference sequences affect variant calling in different regions of the X and Y Compare variant calling with the "Gold Standard" reference individual

Other goals: Because I think we have to address this if we want to get a really good handle on #2 given the extremely high copy number variable regions on X and Y - the ampliconic regions. Likely we will masking them out to infer #2, which will be easiest, but then we can have an extended goal to see characterize variations in these regions.

Known problems and complications

Group Members

Name email github ID
Madeline Couse mhcouse@gmail.com @Madelinehazel
Bruno Grande bgrande@sfu.ca @brunogrande
Eric Karlins karlinser@mail.nih.gov @ekarlins
Tanya Phung tnphung@ucla.edu @tnphung
Phillip Richmond phillip.a.richmond@gmail.com @Phillip-a-Richmond
Tim Webster timothy.h.webster@asu.edu @thw17
Whitney Whitford whitney.whitford@auckland.ac.nz @whitneywhitford
Melissa A. Wilson Sayres melissa.wilsonsayres@asu.edu @mwilsonsayres