Closed Brittdrog closed 8 years ago
I'll be able to make it.
I have a really bad cold and won't be able to make it.
What's on the agenda today? I thought the plan was we would only meet if we need to debate the travel awards? @adrisua
I wont be able to make it today. @santina @sjackman @brunogrande Would you like to meet today and discuss the participant form and/or project-participant pairing? I am waiting to hear from the ASHG about the travel awards and will contact the participants that applied for the award.
I'm able to meet. I haven't yet had a chance to look at the project participant pairing. If we had nothing else signifiant to discuss, we could look at that together in the meeting. We could also cancel the meeting if it's not needed and that's other folk's preference.
As for our next meeting, would August 24th work for everyone? @ttimbers @cloucks Items to discuss then would be the agenda for the event, awards, volunteers, logistics.
Personally I'm gone Aug 19 - 28
I'm available Wed Aug 24.
@GalenWright and I can make the meeting this evening, but have a lab function on the evening of the 24th so won't be able to make that meeting.
From our last meeting items that need to be completed in the near future are:
Do you think we need to meet to discuss any of these items today? Alternatively @santina could send out emails to participants and get them to fill out the forms by next week and we could schedule another meeting then, if necessary?
Seeing as we don't have a unanimous decision and it looks like not many of us can make it today, maybe we should call it off and send out a doodle to decide on when the best time for our next meeting is. I can do this tomorrow if necessary
I'm available to meet on August 24th. I talked with Shaun and we agree that we don't really need a meeting tonight, as we were able to rank the participants for the travel awards.
OK perfect! @santina will you contact the participants in the meantime and get them to confirm that they are attending so that we can get started on assigning participants to teams? What are we doing about informing travel award applicants of the results of the travel awards? Will this be included in the confirmation of attendance email or will it be a separate email?
@hackseq/steering_committee I have created a doodle poll for the next meeting: Seeing as we didn't meet yesterday, I think we should try and meet sooner, rather than later this month. Please complete the poll by Sunday evening so that we can finalize the date/time. Thanks
Hi all, just getting back from vacation. Although I'm still away in Ontario for a wedding this weekend and will be back in Vancouver on Tuesday. Will complete the survey before Sunday and be able to better help with things when I am back in town.
I looked at the meeting poll and the best time/date for everyone is Wed Aug 17th at 5pm. See you all then
Will drop in on hackpad for a few.
You guys are awesome!
@ttimbers, could you set up the agenda for the meeting on Wednesday? Once you do, could you add the following items to the agenda? Thanks!
Will do!
@ttimbers Would you mind also adding the volunteer/mentor form to the agenda? Thank!
Hi, all. I'm back from Michigan. I've accepted a list minute invitation to go camping, so I'll miss the meeting this Wednesday. Sorry for the short notice. Now that we have the confirmed list of participants, I'll figure out the team assignments.
I'll be at the GSC, so we can still hold the meeting there.
@ttimbers Please add to the agenda the possibility of publishing the project reports to the F1000Research Hackathon channel. See
@hackseq/steering_committee this is a reminder that we have a meeting today at 5pm at the Genome Sciences Centre. I think we need to call Bruno, not Shaun to get in? Bruno, can you please put your contact number on the planning etherpad or send it to us all via email?
Meeting agenda has been drafted, and lives here: Please feel free to add anything I missed.
I sent an email to everyone with my phone number. Text me when you arrive at the GSC.
Hi everyone, I had planned to make this meeting, but I am feeling overwhelmed with preparation for my thesis defence coming up at the end of the month and won't be able to make it.
@hackseq/steering_committee - do we still have an in person Steering Committee meeting scheduled for this evening (Aug 3rd) @6pm at the Genome Sciences Centre?