hackseq / October_2016

Planning repository for Genomics Hackathon in Vancouver
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
6 stars 7 forks source link


We are having a Genomics Hackathon in Vancouver from October 15 - 17 2016! This repository will function as the planning/resource repository for this event. The planning etherpad lives here: http://pad.software-carpentry.org/hackseq

The website for the event lives here: http://www.hackseq.com/

The twitter account for this event is @hackseq

This event will be modeled on the NCBI hackathon format.

Steering Committee members

Artem Babaian / University of British Columbia / ababaian [AT] bccrc [DOT] com

Britt Drogemoller / University of British Columbia / @brittdrog

Bruno Grande / Simon Fraser University / @grandebruno

Shaun Jackman / University of British Columbia / @sjackman

Amy Lee / University of British Columbia / @minisciencegirl

Santina Lin / University of British Columbia / @santinasaur

Catrina Loucks / Simon Fraser University / @CatrinaLoucks

Adriana Suarez-G / University of British Columbia / @AdriSuarezGonz

Tiffany Timbers / University of British Columbia / @TiffanyTimbers

Galen Wright / University of British Columbia / @GalenWright


All materials in this repository fall under the CC-0 License.