hackthebois / RecordScratch

Ultimate music-rating and social hub. Find new music, rate your recent listens, and connect with fellow music enthusiasts.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link
music ratings social-network

RecordScratch Banner

RecordScratch - https://recordscratch.app

Warning This is a work in progress and not the finished product.

RecordScratch is a community-driven music rating app that allows users to rate, share and explore music of all genres. We are still early on and there is a long way to go. Some features on the roadmap are sharing, user stats/badges, animations, streaks, games, polls, playable music, recommendations, and so much more!

Join our discord!

Talk to fellow music lovers, discuss features, report bugs, and talk directly to us.

Join here https://discord.gg/X3X9qrHMUJ

Key Features


We invite contributors to help us in any way they can to improve the RecordScratch experience. Please consult our Contribution Guidelines for instructions.


RecordScratch is an open-source project and is governed by the MIT License. For a comprehensive view of licensing details, kindly refer to the LICENSE file