hadojae / DATA

Credential Phish Analysis and Automation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DATA: Credential Phish Analysis and Automation

Slides from presentation at CircleCityCon 2017

*Tested on Headless Ubuntu Server 16.04


Visit a suspected phishing page, screenshot it and pillage it for phishing archives

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u URL, --url URL Url to visit -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE Apply a source to where this url came from -r READFILE, --readfile READFILE Read in a file of URLs one per line -a USERAGENT, --useragent USERAGENT Custom User-Agent

Example of reading in a single url

$ python bucklegripper.py -s openphish -u http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/Login.html

.: BUCKLEGRIPPER v0.1 https://github.com/hadojae/DATA/ :.

[+] Processing http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/Login.html [+] Screencapped http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/Login.html as 20170503-032950-openphish-www.govwebsearch.com.png [+] Found Zip file at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au.zip [+] Saved http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au.zip as 20170503-032950-openphish-www.govwebsearch.com-optusnet.com.au.zip [+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/ [+] Found php file: http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/post.php [+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/ [+] Saved http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au.zip as 20170503-032951-openphish-www.govwebsearch.com-optusnet.com.au.zip [+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/ [+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/ [+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/

Example of reading in a file of line separated urls

$ python bucklegripper.py -s openphish -r ../../test_urls.txt

.: BUCKLEGRIPPER v0.1 https://github.com/hadojae/DATA/ :.

[+] Beginning processing of ../../test_urls.txt

[+] Processing http://onjasela.net/DB/fr/ [+] Screencapped http://onjasela.net/DB/fr/ as 20170503-010034-openphish-onjasela.net.png

[+] Processing http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/login.php [+] Screencapped http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/login.php as 20170503-010053-openphish-suesschool.com.png [+] Found Opendir at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/ [+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/login.php [+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/data.php [+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/block.php [+] Found Opendir at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/ [+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/login.php [+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/data.php [+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/block.php [+] Found Zip file at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin.zip [+] Saved http://suesschool.com/yahoologin.zip as 20170503-010125-openphish-suesschool.com-yahoologin.zip [+] Found Opendir at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/

[+] Processing http://communitypartnersjc.org/wp-admin/js/index [+] Screencapped http://communitypartnersjc.org/wp-admin/js/index as 20170503-010138-openphish-communitypartnersjc.org.png

[+] Processing http://ytrdesh.com/info/ [+] Screencapped http://ytrdesh.com/info/ as 20170503-010148-openphish-ytrdesh.com.png


  - While capturing a pcap visit a suspected phishing page. Handle redirectors and obfuscation to find a web form. Scrape the form and make educated guesses at what should be entered into the fields. Submit the form and repeat.
  - Requirements can be installed by running or reviewing install_bullyblinder_deps.sh

usage: bullyblinder.py [-h] -u URL [-a USERAGENT] -i INTERFACE

Visit a suspected phishing page and attempt form filling while getting a pcap

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u URL, --url URL Url to visit -a USERAGENT, --useragent USERAGENT Custom User-Agent to use -i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE Interface to tell tshark to listen on

Example Usage

$ python bullyblinder.py -i eth0 -u http://www.justpropertydevelopers.com/scanned

.: BULLYBLINDER v0.1 https://github.com/hadojae/DATA/ :.

[+] Preparing pcap: 20170503-033243-www.justpropertydevelopers.com.pcap

[+] Processing http://www.justpropertydevelopers.com/scanned

[+] Submitting POST [+] Control: <HiddenControl(hidCflag=1)>, Control.Type: hidden, Control.Name: hidCflag, Control.ID: hidCflag [+] Control: <SelectControl(=[])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None [+] Control: <SelectControl(=[0])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None [+] Control: <SelectControl(=[1])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None [+] Control: <SelectControl(=[2])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None [+] Control: <SelectControl(=[3])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None [+] Control: <SelectControl(=[*4])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None [+] Control: TextControl(Email=shannonjudith@gmail.com), Control.Type: email, Control.Name: Email, Control.ID: Email [+] Control: <PasswordControl(Passwd=696969)>, Control.Type: password, Control.Name: Passwd, Control.ID: Passwd [+] Control: <SubmitControl(signIn=Sign in to view attachment) (readonly)>, Control.Type: submit, Control.Name: signIn, Control.ID: signIn [+] Control: <CheckboxControl(PersistentCookie=[yes])>, Control.Type: checkbox, Control.Name: PersistentCookie, Control.ID: PersistentCookie [+] Control: <HiddenControl(rmShown=1) (readonly)>, Control.Type: hidden, Control.Name: rmShown, Control.ID: None

[-] No form found, checking for redirectors and obfuscation.

[+] Found js window.location or document.location, processing the redir

[+] https://drive.google.com/#my-drive appears to be a legitimate website.

[+] Complete! Submitted 1 form(s)

[+] Url Request Chain: http://justpropertydevelopers.com/scan/docg/doc/filewords/index.php --http://justpropertydevelopers.com/scan/docg/doc/filewords/index.php

  - A basic bash script that pulls urls out of pdfs in streams or in clear view.
  - The only argument to the script is the path to a folder containing the pdfs you want to process.
  - REQUIRES pdf-parser.py from https://blog.didierstevens.com/programs/pdf-tools/ location to be set in first line of script

Example Usage

$ ./slickshoes.sh ~/PDFs/ http://4cgemstones.com/polaiowpwwww/GD/index.php http://80bpm.net/invoice-17524-Apr-26-2017-US-048591/ http://acheirapido.com.br/arquivos/pdf/ http://adams-kuwait.com/REview/office http://rfaprojects.co.uk/invoice-80633-Apr-24-2017-US-665952/ http://sacm.net/SCANNED/ZN3747CGMSCWC/ https://geloscubinho.com.br/cgi/pdf/index.php http://afriquecalabashsafaris.com/layouts/GD/index.php http://akukoomole.com/AdobeLogin/index.php ...continues...


DATA scripts are a constant work in progress. Feedback, issues, and additions are welcomed.

Proper python packages will be created once suffecient testing and features have been added and more bugs have been squashed.

### Troubleshooting

Make sure you are using the latest versions of Firefox, Selenium, and Mechanize. Selenium and Mechanize can be upgraded via pip. 

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox sudo pip install mechanize --upgrade sudo pip install selenium --upgrade

The current version of geckodriver tested is v0.19.1.

If you have pcap writing issues, use this to fixup dumpcap perms, observed when using some VPS

sudo chgrp YOUR_USER /usr/bin/dumpcap sudo chmod 750 /usr/bin/dumpcap sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip /usr/bin/dumpcap

Be sure to disable NIC features when capturing traffic run this as root. Checksum errors will cause all sorts of nightmares.

for i in rx tx sg tso ufo gso gro lro; do ethtool -K eth0 $i off; done