haerulmuttaqin / PopularNews

:newspaper: News application using the API from newsapi.org
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api-news java news-application newsapi


News application using the API from https://newsapi.org/

API News Is JSON API for live news and blog articles from the media. This project uses retrofit2 as HTTP Clent - Retrofit is a REST Client for Java and Android. Its use is very easy.

• News API

• Retrofit

• Glide for the Image Network

• Material design

• Prettytime for Convert Java Date() objects in just “a few minutes!”


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Clone this project

Clone with HTTPS https://github.com/haerulmuttaqin/PopularNews.git

Clone with SSH git@github.com:haerulmuttaqin/PopularNews.git

Get your API key https://newsapi.org/register

Replace your API key

public static final String API_KEY = "your secret api key";