hahnyuan / nn_tools

Neural Network Tools: Converter and Analyzer. For caffe, pytorch, draknet and so on.
MIT License
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analyzer caffe converter deep-learning pytorch tensroflow

Neural Network Tools: Converter, Constructor and Analyser

Providing a tool for some fashion neural network frameworks.

The nn_tools is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


  1. Converting a model between different frameworks.
  2. Some convenient tools of manipulate caffemodel and prototxt quickly(like get or set weights of layers), see nn_tools.Caffe.
  3. Analysing a model, get the operations number(ops) in every layers.



Pytorch to Caffe

The new version of pytorch_to_caffe supporting the newest version(from 0.2.0 to 1.0) of pytorch. NOTICE: The transfer output will be somewhat different with the original model, caused by implementation difference.

The supported above can transfer many kinds of nets. The tested network:

The supported layers concluded the most popular layers and operations. The other layer types will be added soon, you can ask me to add them in issues.

Note: You need net.eval() before converting the pytorch networks.

Example: please see file example/<alexnet/resnet/inception_v3>_pytorch_to_caffe.py.

$python3 example/alexnet_pytorch_to_caffe.py

Add blob         blob0         : torch.Size([1, 3, 226, 226])
Processing Layer: features.0
Add blob       conv_blob1      : torch.Size([1, 64, 55, 55])
Processing Layer: features.1
Transform Completed

If you have compiled Pycaffe and set the pycaffe path. You can run testify_pytorch_to_caffe to test whether the output of every Caffe layer is the same as the output in Pytorch.

$python3 example/testify_pytorch_to_caffe_example.py
TEST layer features_0: PASS
TEST layer features_1: PASS
TEST output
TEST output: PASS


The analyser can analyse all the model layers' [input_size, output_size, multiplication ops, addition ops, comparation ops, tot ops, weight size and so on] given a input tensor size, which is convenint for model deploy analyse.

Caffe Analyser

Before you analyse your network, Netscope is recommended to visiualize your network.

Command:python caffe_analyser.py [-h] prototxt outdir shape

For example python caffe_analyser.py resnet_18_deploy.prototxt analys_result.csv 1,3,224,224

Pytorch Analyser

Supporting analyse the inheritors of torch.nn.Moudule class.

Command:pytorch_analyser.py [-h] [--out OUT] [--class_args ARGS] path name shape

For example python pytorch_analyser.py example/resnet_pytorch_analysis_example.py resnet18 1,3,224,224

Mxnet Analyser

Supporting analyse the inheritors of mxnet.sym.

Command:mxnet_analyser.py [-h] [--out OUT] [--func_args ARGS] [--func_kwargs FUNC_KWARGS] path name shape

For example python mxnet_analyser.py example/mobilenet_mxnet_symbol.py get_symbol 1,3,224,224

Some useful functions
