Rules: Mỗi khi phát triển tính năng mới, bạn sẽ tạo một nhánh từ dev. git checkout -b login dev.
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global
git clone
step1: make sure everything are ready:
step 1-1: comback dev branch and make sure you pull everything
## code:
git checkout dev
git fetch
git pull
step2: create new branch from dev branch:
## code:
git checkout -b [Name of new feature] dev
ex: "git checkout -b login dev" ==> create login branch frome dev branch
## code:
git add .
git commit -m "Write document here"
step3: push to remote
## code:
git push -u origin [Name of new feature]
step 4: pull request and wating to merch