hakanonal / geodashml

ML reinforcement learning project that learns how to play geometry dash game
GNU General Public License v3.0
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An Agent that Plays Geometry Dash Game

This repositories goal is to develop a network that plays the geometry dash game that is hosted here.

This project is currentlly in progess. I have started this repository to teach myself by doing it. If you have any contributions or questions please do not hesitate to chip-in by opening an issue. Thanks.

I am currentlly managing the project on this link. You can follow my ideas from there. I am pretty sure that ideas is going to evolve in time so you will always find the last snapshot there. This first project's aim is to develop first version of environment agent and starting to reinforce learning.

I am also discovering and experimenting what type of code should I develop by using the following notebook. I keep this notebook as a journal. I write down all my toughts experiments, hurdeles, which pages I have checked to solve, vb...

Update:10.05.2020 I have completed the initial project. Deployed it to a cloud server and it is working. You can watch the metrics from here

A new project has been opened for optimzing hyper parameters. Please chip-in if your heart goes in here...
