This tutorial will provide the steps you need to follow to get you started training prediction models and putting them in a format that can be used to run the predixcan suite of software.
The training dataset can ne downloaded from this link.The data set includes the following files you will use for learning;
Download the files into a directory named data
and decompress them.
Parse the gene annotation file
Use the script
to parse the gene annotation file. This script extracts the important columns about the genes into a file that will be used downstream. The extracted columns include gene name, gene id, start, end, chr and gene type.
Run the following command to get the parsed file
python ./code/ ./data/'gencode.v12.annotation.gtf' ./output/'gene_annot.parsed.txt'
SNP annotation First do a quick renaming of the field headers to match the desired column names for downstream processing
sed -e 's/Chr/chromosome/g' -e 's/Ref_b37/ref_vcf/g' -e 's/Alt/alt_vcf/g' ./data/geuvadis.annot.txt > ./data/snp_annotation.txt
Split the annotation file into individual chromosomes. You will end up with 22 files for each autosome
python ./code/ ./data/snp_annotation.txt ./output/snp_annot
sed 's/Id/varID/g' ./data/geuvadis.snps.txt > ./data/genotype.txt
Split the genitype into individual chromosomes
python ./code/ ./data/genotype.txt ./output/genotype
Preprocess the expression file
Using your R software load the expression file
# Load packages library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(RSQLite)
gene_exp = read.table(file = "./data/GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t" )
gene_exp = gene_exp[-c(1, 3, 4)]
gene_exp = rename(gene_exp, 'Gene_Name' = Gene_Symbol)
n = gene_exp$Gene_Name gene_exp_transpose <-[,-1])) colnames(gene_exp_transpose) <- n
write.table(gene_exp_transpose, file = './output/gene_exp.csv', sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE) write.table(gene_exp_transpose, file = "./output/transformed_expression.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE)
- Calculate peer covariates
Generate [PEER factors](, these peer factors will be used as covariates to perform multiple
linear regression for each gene in our gene expression matrix and then save the residuals from the regression as our new expressions for further analysis where needed.
Ensure you have `peer` tool installed on your machine. There is a description of how to download the PEER tool [here](
Use the PEER tool to generate PEER factors from our transformed gene expression file (`./output/gene_exp.csv`). According to GTEx protocol, If the number of samples is greater than or equal to 350, we use 60 PEER factors. If the number of samples is between 250 and 350, we use 45. Between 150 and 250, we use 30, and less than 150 we use 15. For this study, the number of samples is 463 so we will use 60 PEER factors.
peertool -f './output/gene_exp.csv' -n 60 --has_header -o ./output/peer_out
__Note:__ this takes a long time to run the peers
Once completed read the output of peertool into r to add column names. This will form our covariates matrix
peer_factors = read.csv(file = "./output/peer_out/X.csv", header = FALSE)
colnames(peer_factors) = rownames(gene_exp_transpose)
write.table(peer_factors, file = "./output/covariates.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE)
- Regress out the covariates
You may need the residuals for other analysis e.g estimating h2. We are going to regress out the covariates and save the residuals for any other analysis
expression = gene_exp_transpose
for each gene it runs linear regression on the PEER factor covariates. Then it sets the residuals to the new expression for that gene.
for (i in 1:length(colnames(gene_exp_transpose))) { fit = lm(gene_exp_transpose[,i] ~ t(as.matrix(peer_factors))) expression[,i] <- fit$residuals }
write.table(expression, file = "./output/residuals_expression.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE)
## Train the models
- Check all processed data is available in the output dir
To train the model you need the files you generated from the steps above;
- gene expression file: `transformed_expression.txt`
- covariates file: `covariates.txt`
- residual file after regressing out covariates: `residuals_expression.txt`
- gene annotation file: `gene_annot.parsed.txt`
- snp_annotation file: `snp_annot.chr*.txt` for chr 1-22
- genotype file: `genotype.chr*.txt` for chr 1-22
Confirm you have all these files in your output directory.
- Set up the execution script
We will process each chromosmome individually using this rscript `.code/gtex_tiss_chrom_training.R`.
Edit the file to fit the paths to the constant files and the ones which will be changed for each chromosome i.e snp_annotation and genotype files.
- Create the required directories
mkdir -p ./summary ./covariances ./weights
- Actual training
Once everything is set you can process a chromosome at a time by executing this code
`Rscript ./code/gtex_tiss_chrom_training.R 1` to train the model for all genes in chromosome 1
To run all the chromosomes you can use a for loop like this
for i in {1..22} do Rscript ./code/gtex_tiss_chrom_training.R ${i} done
This will take sometime to run and it would be nice to parallelize the step
## Make a database
Make dir for the database
mkdir -p ./dbs
Create database once we have our model summaries we combine them into a single file then create a database Using R run this chuck of code below
"%&%" <- function(a,b) paste(a,b, sep='')
driver <- dbDriver('SQLite')
model_summaries <- read.table('./summary/Model_training_chr1_model_summaries.txt',header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
tiss_summary <- read.table('./summary/Model_training_chr1_summary.txt', header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
n_samples <- tiss_summary$n_samples
for (i in 2:22) {
model_summaries <- rbind(model_summaries,
read.table('./summary/Model_training_chr'%&%as.character(i) %&% '_model_summaries.txt', header = T, stringsAsFactors = F))
tiss_summary <- rbind(tiss_summary,
read.table('./summary/Model_training_chr' %&% as.character(i) %&% '_summary.txt', header = T, stringsAsFactors = F))
model_summaries <- rename(model_summaries, gene = gene_id)
# Create a database connection
conn <- dbConnect(drv = driver, './dbs/gtex_v7_models.db')
dbWriteTable(conn, 'model_summaries', model_summaries, overwrite = TRUE)
dbExecute(conn, "CREATE INDEX gene_model_summary ON model_summaries (gene)")
# Weights Table -----
weights <- read.table('./weights/Model_training_chr1_weights.txt', header = T,stringsAsFactors = F)
for (i in 2:22) {
weights <- rbind(weights,
read.table('./weights/Model_training_chr' %&% as.character(i) %&% '_weights.txt', header = T, stringsAsFactors = F))
weights <- rename(weights, gene = gene_id)
dbWriteTable(conn, 'weights', weights, overwrite = TRUE)
dbExecute(conn, "CREATE INDEX weights_rsid ON weights (rsid)")
dbExecute(conn, "CREATE INDEX weights_gene ON weights (gene)")
dbExecute(conn, "CREATE INDEX weights_rsid_gene ON weights (rsid, gene)")
# Sample_info Table ----
sample_info <- data.frame(n_samples = n_samples, population = 'EUR') # Provide the population info
dbWriteTable(conn, 'sample_info', sample_info, overwrite = TRUE)
# Construction Table ----
construction <- tiss_summary %>%
select(chrom, cv_seed) %>%
rename(chromosome = chrom)
dbWriteTable(conn, 'construction', construction, overwrite = TRUE)
Filter the database to select significant models using R
unfiltered_db <- './dbs/gtex_v7_models.db'
filtered_db <- './dbs/gtex_v7_models_filtered_signif.db'
driver <- dbDriver("SQLite")
in_conn <- dbConnect(driver, unfiltered_db)
out_conn <- dbConnect(driver, filtered_db)
model_summaries <- dbGetQuery(in_conn, 'select * from model_summaries where zscore_pval < 0.05 and rho_avg > 0.1')
model_summaries <- model_summaries %>%
rename(pred.perf.R2 = rho_avg_squared, genename = gene_name, pred.perf.pval = zscore_pval, = n_snps_in_model)
model_summaries$pred.perf.qval <- NA
dbWriteTable(out_conn, 'extra', model_summaries, overwrite = TRUE)
construction <- dbGetQuery(in_conn, 'select * from construction')
dbWriteTable(out_conn, 'construction', construction, overwrite = TRUE)
sample_info <- dbGetQuery(in_conn, 'select * from sample_info')
dbWriteTable(out_conn, 'sample_info', sample_info, overwrite = TRUE)
weights <- dbGetQuery(in_conn, 'select * from weights')
weights <- weights %>% filter(gene %in% model_summaries$gene) %>% rename(eff_allele = alt, ref_allele = ref, weight = beta)
dbWriteTable(out_conn, 'weights', weights, overwrite = TRUE)
dbExecute(out_conn, "CREATE INDEX weights_rsid ON weights (rsid)")
dbExecute(out_conn, "CREATE INDEX weights_gene ON weights (gene)")
dbExecute(out_conn, "CREATE INDEX weights_rsid_gene ON weights (rsid, gene)")
dbExecute(out_conn, "CREATE INDEX gene_model_summary ON extra (gene)")
Your database is ready to use.
This pipeline has also been implemented in nextflow pipeline here
A description of the pipeline can be found here