hal / testsuite.next

Testsuite for HAL
Apache License 2.0
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Testsuite for the HAL management console based on Drone & Graphene Arquillian extensions.


The testsuite uses various profiles to decide how and which tests to run. The following profiles are available:

Combine multiple profiles to define your setup. Choose at least one profile from each line. Please note that you cannot combine profiles which are marked as mutual exclusive.

microprofile profile defines tests which are runnable with expansion pack (XP) which include microprofile. domain-hc-dc means domain mode with master (dc) and slave (hc) host.

Examples of valid combinations:

Examples of invalid combinations:

Run Tests

In order to run tests you need a running WildFly / JBoss EAP server with an insecure management interface.

The easiest way is to use the provided scripts

They use the docker image halconsole/hal-wildfly which is based on jboss/wildfly, the latest HAl console and standalone configurations with insecure management interfaces.

If you rather want to use a custom WildFly instance, use the following commands to remove the security realm from the management interface:





Domain hc dc (on master)


Alternative Setup


source ./prepare.sh <SERVER_ZIP> standalone


source ./prepare.sh <SERVER_ZIP> domain

Domain hc dc (on master)

source ./prepare.sh <SERVER_ZIP> domain-hc-dc

To stop server started by prepare.sh


./shutdown.sh <SERVER_ZIP> standalone


./shutdown.sh <SERVER_ZIP> domain

Domain hc dc (on master)

./shutdown.sh <SERVER_ZIP> domain-hc-dc

Run all tests:

To run the tests you need to set the JBOSS_HOME property pointing to the WildFly directory. If have run the start-wildfly script, you can see the WildFly directory printed out in the console.

mvn test -P<profiles>

Run all tests including product (EAP) specific ones:

mvn test -P<profiles> -Deap

Run a single test:

mvn test -P<profiles> -Dtest=<fully qualified classname>

To debug the test(s) use the maven.surefire.debug property:

mvn test -P<profiles> -Dtest=<fully qualified classname> -Dmaven.surefire.debug

The tests will automatically pause and await a remote debugger on port 5005. You can then attach to the running tests using your IDE.