halfmanhalftaco / fpga-docker

Tools for running FPGA vendor toolchains with Docker
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Checksum not upper case in the makefile in folder Intel_Quartus_Prime_20.1.1 #4

Open DanielHdInfo opened 3 years ago

DanielHdInfo commented 3 years ago

ECLIPSE=eclipse-cpp-mars-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz ECLIPSE_CHECKSUM=82ecb7c19323004e08fd1bbac8564820

${ECLIPSE}: curl -LO "$(ECLIPSE_URL)" @SUM=$$(md5sum $(ECLIPSE) | awk '{print toupper($$1)}'); \ if [ "$$SUM" != "$(ECLIPSE_CHECKSUM)" ]; then echo "Checksum doesn't match.";

halfmanhalftaco commented 1 year ago

I just bumped into this problem myself just now, at some point here when I have some time to update this repo that'll be in there.