halfmanhalftaco / fpga-docker

Tools for running FPGA vendor toolchains with Docker
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altera fpga lattice quartus verilog vhdl xilinx

FPGA for Docker

This repository contains a series of tools to create sandboxed Docker containers for running various FPGA development tools on Linux.

The motivation for this project was to avoid having to install a bunch of system-wide dependencies since most of these tools require 32-bit libraries to run.

Recent changes:

Supported Tools



Edit the top-level Makefile to control which containers will be built. A common base image will be built that each tool uses to reduce overall container size and build time.

Run make and all the desired containers will be built. Many of the tools will download their installers automatically but some require you to log in to the vendor's site and download manually (Xilinx ISE).

In the case of Lattice iCEcube2, the GUI installer must be used and will launch automatically. Heed the directions printed to the console before it launches. Additionally, a license file will need to be acquired separately from Lattice before building the container. Further instructions can be found in the README.md within that subdirectory.

Once the containers are built, you can run them with the run-fpga tool in the top directory. A unique home directory for each tool is created and mounted into the container along with a shared directory mounted to ~/shared so changes will persist between runs and settings can be kept separate for each tool. If you want to control the location of the home directories or change other options, see the run-fpga script. After exiting the tool, the container is deleted (but not the image or home directory).

No user data is stored inside the container as long as you only manipulate data within the home directory. Any data not in your home directory will be lost after closing the tool.
