halkyonio / container-images

Repo containing info needed to build different images: supervisord, spring boot s2i, spring boot maven s2i, ...
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Container Images


List of images

Supervisord image

WARNING: In order to build a multi-stages docker image, it is required to install imagebuilder as the docker version packaged with MiniShift is too old and doesn't support such docker multi-stage option !

To build the copy-supervisord docker image containing the go supervisord application, then execute these instructions

cd supervisord
imagebuilder -t copy-supervisord:latest .

Tag the docker image and push it to quay.io

TAG_ID=$(docker images -q copy-supervisord:latest)
docker tag $TAG_ID quay.io/halkyonio/supervisord
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/supervisord

Hal Maven JDK8 image

This image extends the maven jdk image maven:3.6.2-jdk-8-slim, keeps downloaded dependencies in /tmp/artefacts and uses shell scripts to build and run maven java projects:

ENV Vars available:

To build the image

cd hal-mvn-jdk
docker build -t hal . 
TAG_ID=$(docker images -q hal)
docker tag $TAG_ID quay.io/halkyonio/hal-maven-jdk
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/hal-maven-jdk

To use it with an existing Spring Boot Maven project. Pass as env cmd to specify either if you want to build the project or to launch java

docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src -e CONTEXTPATH=. -e MODULEDIRNAME=. -e cmd=build hal
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src -e CONTEXTPATH=. -e MODULEDIRNAME=. -e cmd=run hal

You can also test it using k8s/ocp and a pod managed by a supervisord

oc delete -f ./sandbox/pod-hal.yml
oc apply -f ./sandbox/pod-hal.yml

kubectl cp pom.xml hal:/usr/src -n test
kubectl cp src hal:/usr/src -n test
kubectl exec hal -n test /var/lib/supervisord/bin/supervisord ctl start build

Maven Offline repo for Spring Boot

The purpose of this image is to extend the Docker Maven JDK image, to package the GAVs of Spring Boot 2.1.6, Dekorate 0.8.2 under the path /tmp/artefacts of the image in order to provide it as an internal maven cache for java maven build when you use the option -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/.m2

Example of multi-layers docker file able to use it

## Stage 1 : build with maven builder image
FROM quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-offline-maven AS build
COPY . /usr/src
USER root

VOLUME /tmp/artefacts
RUN chown -R 1001:0 /usr/src
RUN mvn -f /usr/src/pom.xml clean package -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/artefacts

## Stage 2 : create the final image
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/redhat-openjdk-18/openjdk18-openshift

USER root
WORKDIR /work/
COPY --from=build /usr/src/target/*.jar /work/application
RUN chown -R 1001:0 /work && chmod -R 775 /work

CMD ["./application"]

To build/push it, use the following commands

cd maven-offline-repo
docker build -t spring-boot-offline-maven .
TAG_ID=$(docker images -q spring-boot-offline-maven)
docker tag $TAG_ID quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-offline-maven
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-offline-maven

OpenJDK S2I image

Due to permissions's issue to access the folder /tmp/src, the Red Hat OpenJDK1.8 S2I image must be enhanced to add the permission needed for the group 0

Here is the snippet's part of the Dockerfile

USER root
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/src/target

RUN chgrp -R 0 /tmp/src/ && \
    chmod -R g+rw /tmp/src/

IMPORTANT: See this doc's part for more info about Support Arbitrary User IDs

Execute these commands to build the docker image and publish it on Quay.io

cd java-s2i
docker build -t spring-boot-http:latest .
TAG_ID=$(docker images -q spring-boot-http:latest)
docker tag $TAG_ID quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-s2i
docker tag $TAG_ID quay.io/halkyonio/openjdk8-s2i
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-s2i
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/openjdk8-s2i

Spring Boot maven s2i image

Project to build a jdk8 s2i image containing some spring boot starters dependencies. See install_spring_boot_dependencies.sh script

cd spring-boot-maven-s2i
docker build . -t quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-maven-s2i:latest
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-maven-s2i:latest

To build the snapshots, first build the different maven snapshot projects, next install a local HTTP Server using your local m2 repository and define within the settings.xml the IP address of your server

npm install http-server -g
http-server ~/.m2/repository

and finally build the docker image tagged as snapshot

docker build -t quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-maven-s2i:snapshot -f Dockerfile-snapshot .
docker push quay.io/halkyonio/spring-boot-maven-s2i:snapshot

Remark: You can change the version of Spring, Dekorate, ... to be packaged within the image using the --build-arg KEY=VAL property

Centos7 CircleCI image

Project to build a Centos7 image able to run on CircleCI.

cd circleci
docker build . -t quay.io/snowdrop/centos-circleci
docker push quay.io/snowdrop/centos-circleci